crazily high..


Well-Known Member
Ok so i was vaping some nice fresh erb.. it was my second go in about 2 hours.. i then at some pineapple.. cause i was hugnry.. what followed was abit uncomfortable.. i got so fucking high i almost felt sick.. why is this? i didnt throw up and feel much better now.. but what happened? simple case of too much or did the pineapple do something :?.. cheers


Active Member
weird!!!!! I don't think the polyphenols in pineapple would make you sick. Probably too much herb......ooooooopppppppssss jinks!!!!!, maybe the mind having a brain fart of physical reaction.....


Well-Known Member
it was crazy.. maby i just truly hadnt been that high before.. my head felt so heavy as well.. still does to a degree.. does this mean what i smoked was likely indica?


Well-Known Member
oh yeah I get that sudden sick feeling followed by some crazy ass headspinning when I reach my limit.
Normaly get a headache if I just look at weed for the next two days...


Well-Known Member
lol something bout pineapples

i get sooo high anbd drunk todau i am fucking amazing, work tomont 8`15 LOL


idk wtf imdoing but shits so damgoooooooooooooooo9d

fucking a foolz


Active Member
Sounds like a neurotransmission in the brain was stuck in traffic, and that is maybe why you felt sick. Smoke some more, and you will feel fine. On a different note, love my new creation- Orange Ogre x Blue Dream x Blue Kush.......yummy, berries and juniper hints.


Well-Known Member
Never got sick while high I have definitely eaten WAY too much and felt like I could not move. I usually just smoke some more and fall asleep. I've been vapeing lately and its nice to taste the food a better. :peace: and :weed:

Oh don't throw up bro!
Smoke up!


Well-Known Member
You just smoked too much weed haha, I always start to feel a little bit of nausea towards the end of a really huge session and then thats when i know to stop smoking more or im gonna throw up.


Well-Known Member
yeah.. thanks guys.. i just freaked out abit.. at least i know my threshhold now.. good thing i didnt spew.. man i was feeling abit nauseous last night after drinking.. hit the vape abit and felt great.. ahh gotta love the holy ganja!