Creationists Are Dumb.


Active Member
Sorry, but I had to say it. I don't mean creationists are dumb because they possess close to the same intelligence as the average atheist, although I would argue atheists are intellectually superior because we employ our critical thinking and analytical skills to see through the bullshit put forth by man.(Most religions, Santa Clause, the Bible, and other works of fiction come to mind) That's why they're dumb.

I admit that evolution is still rather "new" and people are uneasy about accepting a scientific fact that would conflict with their beliefs. But the successful brainwashing and indoctrination of youth has people believing that the earth was made 6,000 years ago, man coexisted with dinosaurs, and two of every animal were on a boat.. and not to mention Adam and Eve. That's some major incest going on.

Ok so I know there's going to be some butthurt about me calling creationists stupid because its their right to have an imaginary friend who talks to them and blah blah blah, but when you fuckers start pulling your shit again in public schools, this time trying put creationism in the classroom "teach the controversy". Fuck that shit. Evolution is science that should be taught in schools. Creationism is just a delusional fantasy from an old book with NO FACTUAL EVIDENCE TO RELY ON. Why should our educational system be responsible for poisoning the minds of our youth? Isn't that the parent's job?


Well-Known Member
What Scientific fact are you refering to that refutes creationism? I didn't see any facts in your diatribe....


Pickle Queen
I had a teacher that was bale to show me the links between Jesus- science and religion, I am catholic but never went to church .
Most miracles such as making the blind see, bug swarms, splitting the sea, were not magic or miracles but a person using his power, which was knowledge.
He made the blind see because he sucked the sand from their eyes, deserts have blowing sand.
The sea was not split, the salt content was high enough they could walk on in.
Bug swarms are natures way of keeeping the balance.
Religon can be seen in many ways, just depends what your looking for, faith, proof or something else...
I like having both. Some things can be explained, others don't need to be because of what they represent. jmo


Undercover Mod
The Catholic Church believes the same thing you do and they killed many more people than Hitler ever did.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but I had to say it. I don't mean creationists are dumb because they possess close to the same intelligence as the average atheist, although I would argue atheists are intellectually superior because we employ our critical thinking and analytical skills to see through the bullshit put forth by man.(Most religions, Santa Clause, the Bible, and other works of fiction come to mind) That's why they're dumb.

I admit that evolution is still rather "new" and people are uneasy about accepting a scientific fact that would conflict with their beliefs. But the successful brainwashing and indoctrination of youth has people believing that the earth was made 6,000 years ago, man coexisted with dinosaurs, and two of every animal were on a boat.. and not to mention Adam and Eve. That's some major incest going on.

Ok so I know there's going to be some butthurt about me calling creationists stupid because its their right to have an imaginary friend who talks to them and blah blah blah, but when you fuckers start pulling your shit again in public schools, this time trying put creationism in the classroom "teach the controversy". Fuck that shit. Evolution is science that should be taught in schools. Creationism is just a delusional fantasy from an old book with NO FACTUAL EVIDENCE TO RELY ON. Why should our educational system be responsible for poisoning the minds of our youth? Isn't that the parent's job?
The problem I see with this is that you are only singling out Christianity. That's all you're going on about. So I'm going to assume you have a problem with Christianity. Which really isn't the base of "creationism" Honestly, I could say somethings that could have your brain actually turning, but I've tried with people like you and it's completely pointless.

I will however leave you with this. I do NOT believe in religion in it's current form, yet I do believe in evolution and I do believe in a creator.

Stop being so closed minded... You are no better than the Christians you criticize so.

Creationism at it's base can be every religion ever known to exist. It can also not. Basically Creationism is belief in an all creator, or a Prime Creator. That in essence has nothing to do with Christianity or religion. So before you go off calling creationists dumb, you should educate yourself on the difference. Even atheists are creationists. You believe in the Big Bang theory yes? Which is Universal creation, aka the universe creating itself.. aka creationism.

cliff notes, you just called yourself dumb.

Honestly OP, I've read that exact same useless "I'm atheist hear me ROAR" bullshit banter dozens of times. If it makes you feel better about yourself so be it. At least try to make some sense and learn the difference between Christianity, creationism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism or whatever. The only thing I've seen you prove is how truly uneducated you are about the subject. Even though you claim to be "intellectually superior"


Well-Known Member
The problem I see with this is that you are only singling out Christianity. That's all you're going on about. So I'm going to assume you have a problem with Christianity. Which really isn't the base of "creationism" Honestly, I could say somethings that could have your brain actually turning, but I've tried with people like you and it's completely pointless.

I will however leave you with this. I do NOT believe in religion in it's current form, yet I do believe in evolution and I do believe in a creator.

Stop being so closed minded... You are no better than the Christians you criticize so.

Creationism at it's base can be every religion ever known to exist. It can also not. Basically Creationism is belief in an all creator, or a Prime Creator. That in essence has nothing to do with Christianity or religion. So before you go off calling creationists dumb, you should educate yourself on the difference. Even atheists are creationists. You believe in the Big Bang theory yes? Which is Universal creation, aka the universe creating itself.. aka creationism.

cliff notes, you just called yourself dumb.

Honestly OP, I've read that exact same useless "I'm atheist hear me ROAR" bullshit banter dozens of times. If it makes you feel better about yourself so be it. At least try to make some sense and learn the difference between Christianity, creationism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism or whatever. The only thing I've seen you prove is how truly uneducated you are about the subject. Even though you claim to be "intellectually superior"
The term for changing definitions in the middle of a debate is called equivocation. That is what you are doing by redefining creationism to suit your argument. Creationism, as all -isms do, has a specific meaning and that is the belief in the special creation, i.e. supernatural origins of biological life in the advance and complex forms that we currently see. I think it is disingenuous to attempt to turn the tables and say, "see you're a creationist too" when in fact anyone that doubts supernatural origins of life and/or the universe are not considered creationists. It is also true that a vast majority, I would speculate as high as 90% or more, of the opposition to Darwinian evolution is based in a belief in the Judeo-Christian account of Genesis. While I will agree with you that the OP's rant is useless and an attack on biblical literalists, your attack of the OP is likewise without merit.


Well-Known Member
There are like 20 major religions in the world and each promises it is the one. So you have a 1 in 20 chance of having the right religion.


Well-Known Member
The sea was not split, the salt content was high enough they could walk on in.
I get your point that there may be logical explanations for some myths, but that one gave me a good laugh. No offense meant... but that would have to be a damn salty ocean.


Well-Known Member
The term for changing definitions in the middle of a debate is called equivocation. That is what you are doing by redefining creationism to suit your argument. Creationism, as all -isms do, has a specific meaning and that is the belief in the special creation, i.e. supernatural origins of biological life in the advance and complex forms that we currently see. I think it is disingenuous to attempt to turn the tables and say, "see you're a creationist too" when in fact anyone that doubts supernatural origins of life and/or the universe are not considered creationists. It is also true that a vast majority, I would speculate as high as 90% or more, of the opposition to Darwinian evolution is based in a belief in the Judeo-Christian account of Genesis. While I will agree with you that the OP's rant is useless and an attack on biblical literalists, your attack of the OP is likewise without merit.
Even so, what does his original post have to do with creationism? He has a beef with religion(Christianity) and is pointing the finger at creationism.

Creationism–noun 1. the doctrine that matter and all things were created, substantially as they now exist, by an omnipotent Creator, and not gradually evolved or developed.

Creationism in it's basic is a belief in a God, a prime creator or all creator.

"God" expands across numerous religions and beliefs, for him to single out Christianity shows how uneducated he really is.

What's so crazy about believing in a Prime Creator(God)? I can't see radio waves, cell phone signals, or air but I know it's there.


Active Member
Just wanted to point out that many Christian faiths accept evolution. OP has confused fundamentalist, Protestant Christianity with all religions.


Well-Known Member
Look....cannabis oil from the seeds, hash, etc, has been used for millenia....

All these other civilizations Mayans to be exact...had some knowledge that is far superior to the Jews, Romans, Greeks, etc, etc....Their calendar is pretty interesting if you actually took the time to listen and learn about some stuff....

Chon Balum, the king knows of something coming December 21, 2012...

You can't debate the fact that there are UFO's, roswell, Area 51 even!! YOu cant walk on the land otherwise you will be shot, WTF are they doing there...come on people...wake up!!!