Creative, Curious & CHEAP Grow


21h 35m of uninterrupted light later, the plants have mostly straightened themselves back out. I'm considering killing off all of the plants below 4" tall (around 8 of 'em) to preserve more nutrients for the others that are doing well. I'm thinking that at least two of the biggest plants are probably not going to pull through, and if they haven't improved at all over the next 48 - 72 hours, they'll get the Axe. They haven't thickened at all really, and all of them have relatively pronounced white hairs all over the plants, and they're sparkling quite a bit surprisingly. More later...


Drop the miracle grow products....they're usually no good for growing bud. Why are they in fruit punch??


Active Member
wow those look bad no offense kill the tallest ones and put the lights 2-3 inches away and add a few more cfls


Active Member
ok wtf is the fruit punch for, are you really feeding your pot with it?? and this is about a ghetto grow dude.... no offence but the reason there all stem is cus you have no clue.... a dome would be best, no spritsing and lights alot closer... they are stretching like crazy.... also why start them in a big thing like that? you should have like shot glases or dixie cups or something... so your roots dont bind up with the others or get damaged on transplant. and to be honest an 18/6 or a 20/4 light schedule would be much more logical, plants need down time for photosynthesis... how well would you operate on 24 hours a day, no sleep? make you real tired eventually right... same with plants in my opinion they like there light but need there dark too.