Oh but we are.
Or do you want Puttie Poot, to sack the Ukraine, again?
The Playa here is Turkey. Muslim NATO.
An attack on one is an attack on us all.
so theeeeeeeeen..syria? whatever did happen to that?..crisis averted..if we just ignore them long enough..putin will go away..he's such a bad boy, but he's weak..so very weak..he clearly cannot have an erection..the bulbous, purple type.
so theeeeeeeeen..syria? whatever did happen to that?..crisis averted..if we just ignore them long enough..putin will go away..he's such a bad boy, but he's weak..so very weak..he clearly cannot have an erection..the bulbous, purple type.
Wasn't it the Ukraine that was accused of siphoning off the Gazprom lines a few years ago?
Meanwhile, if America sends anyone to the Ukraine, it should be this man:
The new pro-Moscow leader of Ukraine's autonomous Crimea region has asked Russian President Vladimir Putin for help to ensure peace.
Putin already has a lock on this. He is going in for *humanitarian* reasons and the rest of the world cannot say shit about it...
I am not necessarily for this, it is just what is going to happen. Obama is still trying to decide what his first move is and Putin is at Check Mate... This is what you get when you put a community organizer against a KGB operative.
Look on the map, Baby Girl. <kiss> Let's see. Russia, Ukraine, NATO, Israel, Syria, Iran, Saud. It doesn't look good, does it?
And you know as well as I, those little guys can be horse like. And the big Bruno can show a winny. Am I right?
So, ready for mind-meld? Ukrania is oil and gas rich.
Europe is very dependent on Poots oil.
Sick, huh? I haven't espouse on WBush's oil coup against Poot as he left office. He yelled fire about the Credit market freeze and went to work, quite publically about sorting it out and killing off Banks, etc.
That crashed the $107 oil market and Russian re-arming. Now as our combined intellect sees, oil is $109 a barrel and Poot is getting stinky again. It is Obama sworn duty to apprise this situation and act, in some way. Mostly in ways we will never know.
But, something will be done. I don't worry. Oil futures are crumbing and our President is only grumbling.
Before we return to forum, share this, Oneness. Behold the route of NATO's south Pipe from Russia.
Wasn't it the Ukraine that was accused of siphoning off the Gazprom lines a few years ago?
Meanwhile, if America sends anyone to the Ukraine, it should be this man:
Let them have it. We've fought enough wars for people who didn't ask for liberation.
I am not advocating for our intervention...
The whole humanitarian cover story will hold up enough for Putin to do what he wants. The UN cant do shit because of the permanent veto...
It is what it is...
Putin is a disgusting shitball, but I'd rather not kill more of my brothers for further bullshit. That UN veto is good for something for once.
Oh please... Obama doesnt have the balls to take any military action against Russia anyway. Veto or no veto.
His speech was ridiculously lame and his vague threat completely unbelievable...