Critical Kush + Super Lemon Haze, CoCo 2litre Hempy


Well-Known Member
Afternoon all so here goes:

60x60x120 grow tent:
T5 light bank (home made)
Hempys pots (bottom filled with perlite)
Coco + perlite 60/40 to top
4" extraction (with manual speed controller)
Fed with drip system and pump, runs every 3 hours for 2/3 minutes

Growers ark - root tonic
Canna Coco A+B

Flowering tent is a 1mx1mx180cm
600w hps
5" extraction
Will be investing in a cool tube when ready

These tents are both in a purpose built insulated room with materials I have mostly scavenged from work ;-)

So the plan is this. Grow two mothers, one Barney's farm critical kush and the other, greenhouse seeds super lemon haze, I'm going to try and take 20 cuttings a time root them and try and have a perpetual sog, hopefully harvesting every 4 weeks.........some of the best laid plans hey.....

So far we are a week since the CK popped up and 5 days since the SLH. They are on a feed of 480ppm(Hanna) (including orig tapwater of 270ppm) this has the Root tonic and CoCo A+b. PH is 6.4

Will be updating whenever something new happens or I think of something I've missed. This is a completely new style of growing for me, as I have always grown in soil.

Hope to keep some people entertained, and hope for any guidance that some of you can impart would be much appreciated. :-) here's a couple of the general setup will put some more up later
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I can second what herk says. SLH came out real nice for me in a soil closet grow years back. It was one of those that had people semi-coherent on the couch LOL.

I've been SERIOUSLY thinking of switch from soil to coco. I'll be subbed for the ride and very interested to hear from you on how it goes, and things a soil guy should know.

I guess I should get a ppm or ec pen eh? LOL.
superlemonhaze is good stuff easy to grow & generates pretty good product

I can second what herk says. SLH came out real nice for me in a soil closet grow years back. It was one of those that had people semi-coherent on the couch LOL.

I've been SERIOUSLY thinking of switch from soil to coco. I'll be subbed for the ride and very interested to hear from you on how it goes, and things a soil guy should know.

I guess I should get a ppm or ec pen eh? LOL.

Cheers for dropping in both of you!

I've tried some SLH to smoke off a friend and it was really really nice!! He said it was one of his favourites to grow.

The CK on the other hand, I've don't know anyone who's grown this, a friend of mine has grown the auto version and said she was very picky over nutes, but I'm looking forward to see how we get on.

A friend of mine done a Coco grow without a TDs pen CDank, he said it went really well and he wouldn't bother with a pen, I just got myself one because i want to really know, what and how much of it is going in, knowledge is power. :-)
I have one SLH that was started on 12/12 July 1st. I was following's "light" feed schedule, tried jumping up to the "heavy" & started seeing some burn. The light feeding schedule seems good, my plants love it! Good luck!
I have one SLH that was started on 12/12 July 1st. I was following's "light" feed schedule, tried jumping up to the "heavy" & started seeing some burn. The light feeding schedule seems good, my plants love it! Good luck!

Cheers for the heads up Upnsmoke! :-) are you using Coco too?
Here's a couple of pics of the little ones. As you can see I've took a couple of photos to show how I've done my drain off. Tube down from the tray into a smaller tray underneath that i lay a sheet of plastic over to keep humidity down. The plant tray is slanted so all run off falls to the corner with the drain.


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Very cool set up with the double trays to keep humidity down! Just so you know I'm subbed for the ride.
Can I ask about your containers? Why so tall and narrow? Is that better for drip system coco?
The pots are Hempy pots, a 2 litre bottle with a hole 2 inches up from bottom, the bottom part is filled with perlite and then the rest a mix of perlite and Coco, the idea is that the bottom of the pot becomes a reservoir for the roots, I've also read some where that when using Coco you don't have worry about root bound issues. I'm not sure how true that is with out researching, just something in pulling from memory. The 2 litre Hempy idea is far from my own I have borrowed this idea from others.Plus like you said with a drip system it will help water get to where it needs to in the early days like we are here.

I'm glad to have you along for the ride pal! Any advice, questions or input is valued from fellow growers
Yep, I'm in royal gold tupur & doing dtw. I've used only canna a&b with cal-mag added, my tap water is around 115ppm.
I like your tray setup too. My tote uses a lot of head room, been looking at ways to lower my table. I also have two pineapple kush girls, too. I had to supercrop one to get her away from them lights!
That's very cool.

Don't mind my noob question then. I'd heard of hempy pots before but knew nothing about them, tbh I thought hempy was a brand LOL.

I've spent the last hour now researching hempy buckets and I gotta say, I can dig this style of growing!
I'm going to Walmart now to grab some supplies to try this for myself, glad I came across your thread.
Hows your water? Do you dechlorinate it?
I really have no idea on the quality of mine, wotrying about water has kinds been holding me back on switching to hydro.
Cheers for dropping in both of you!

I've tried some SLH to smoke off a friend and it was really really nice!! He said it was one of his favourites to grow.

The CK on the other hand, I've don't know anyone who's grown this, a friend of mine has grown the auto version and said she was very picky over nutes, but I'm looking forward to see how we get on.

A friend of mine done a Coco grow without a TDs pen CDank, he said it went really well and he wouldn't bother with a pen, I just got myself one because i want to really know, what and how much of it is going in, knowledge is power. :-)
I grew in coco for a couple of years & never used a pen but dwc won't stand for it I did my coco in 2 gal. smart pots in a 3x3 e&f tub set up on a timer to flood twice a day
Critical kush is pretty good tbh keeper in my garden. Squeezed it puts out 20% return on nugs of some of the best tasting rosin I've had. Most in my 5 pack we're close. Actually the fastest finishing was the best. Solid strain imo
Yep, I'm in royal gold tupur & doing dtw. I've used only canna a&b with cal-mag added, my tap water is around 115ppm.
I like your tray setup too. My tote uses a lot of head room, been looking at ways to lower my table. I also have two pineapple kush girls, too. I had to supercrop one to get her away from them lights!

Cheers Upnsmoke, have you always used royal gold turpur? Is it much different to regular Coco?
Critical kush is pretty good tbh keeper in my garden. Squeezed it puts out 20% return on nugs of some of the best tasting rosin I've had. Most in my 5 pack we're close. Actually the fastest finishing was the best. Solid strain imo

Cheers for info GGson, nice to hear about the strain from first hand experience, what do you mean by squeezed?
That's very cool.

Don't mind my noob question then. I'd heard of hempy pots before but knew nothing about them, tbh I thought hempy was a brand LOL.

I've spent the last hour now researching hempy buckets and I gotta say, I can dig this style of growing!
I'm going to Walmart now to grab some supplies to try this for myself, glad I came across your thread.
Hows your water? Do you dechlorinate it?
I really have no idea on the quality of mine, wotrying about water has kinds been holding me back on switching to hydro.

Glad to be of assistance ;)

I only came across this idea by chance, when looking at the Coco, I came to the realisation that it drains very fast in comparison to the cheap soil I used to use. I have no choice because of work but I have to leave my plants for many days at a time. After some trusty Google searching I came across the Hempy method, and I have to say I'm pretty keen to see the results myself.

I'm liking the idea of Coco, due to the fact you have alot more control.

My water is regular tap water, I top up water reservoir 190L and that sits in there, so the chlorine will evaporate out, when I test my tap water it's 270ppm after it's been sat for a few days it dropped to 230ppm

Like I say, I'm a newbie to this style myself so we will have to see what tribulations lie ahead
I would get a little cal mag in your setup just for maintenance purposes. With coco put a little every other watering to keep the coco buffered with calcium.