Critique my grow box: PHASE TWO!

Gravity Man

Hopefully it isn't bad taste to start a new thread about a grow box. I would just like as many eyes and mouths on it as possible.. err, not mouths on it, just hands on it... sigh.. Hands typing comments about it. There we go!

What you see before you is phase two of my grow box. One phase to go. I am about 80-90% finished with my box. I am still waiting on my ventilation. I have a fan on the way, and hopefully it's powerful enough. CFM wise, it is more than adequate. Anyway.. Without further ado!

One boob (tease):

Full frontal:


One on both sides! Has a basic mesh-like filter built in. Two piece grille for filter cleaning.


The uterus:

God. 6 26w 6500k for 156 actual watts. Flower will be 4 x 42w 2700k and 2 x 26w 6500k for a total of 220 actual watts for flower.

God can't fly. I had adjustable grow shits on, but the light hung way too low, so I ditched them for these caribineers. I'll have to adjust the plant instead of the light, unless someone has a better idea that would also be easy... chains aren't so easy IMO.

Grille hardware:

Not quite light tight, but close. The sides won't be a problem because they will be flanked by cardboard boxes, which will make light trapping easy. In all honesty, nobody is ever going to see this but me in my locked unfinished basement.

Temperature at plant height (ZERO ventilation):

Temperature above light fixture (ZERO ventilation):

My light fixture is not yet complete. I have ordered a 60mm AC fan that I will wire in with the bulbs, drawing air up and out. I will also be having a piece of glass (plexi or other) for the bottom. I have designed the fixture in a way that incoming air will directly cool the bulbs. I can't really explain it sufficiently with text.

I have a small amount of taping left to do. A few spots were exposed when I tested the system in a dark room. I am somewhat concerned with how my 92mm AC fan will work for exhaust. It has a high (relatively) static pressure rating, and even at half CFM it'll still circulate twice every minute.

I still have to build a scrog screen for it eventually.

The top of the box will have some sort of tote with the bottom cut out to house and hide the filter. Of all the options I had, top hole was the most efficient, so I went with it.

Thanks for checking this out! I put a lot of hard work and effort into it. I hope this will make a great temporary grow box. By temporary, I mean a couple of years. Moving to Washington or Ca within that time frame, where I'll be able to build a legit grow op.

Please give me some opinions or advice! Even a hello is encouraging.

Thank you all in advance. I hope to be growing within the week.
that is sexy my good sir. dont let the light in through where you can see the light coming out at. i dont think it will be a problem. good luck!


Cool stuff, my only critique is that you should use leds! Those type of boxes are perfect for stealthcabs. Also, -and that's only due to my own paranoia- you would be better served putting vents a bit higher on any cabin, so that it's harder for mites and shit to get in.

Gravity Man

that is sexy my good sir. dont let the light in through where you can see the light coming out at. i dont think it will be a problem. good luck!
Thanks! I agree! As for light leaking, I think what I'll probably do is create a flap out of Reflectix for the inside that can Velcro in. That would take care of the front for sure. As for the sides, I've been kicking around the idea of flanking the box on both sides with cardboard boxes. This will be placed in a storage area, so that would look normal. I would create some sort of tunnel in the box out of books which will allow me to stack more things on top. The light would be dispersed easily that way.

We'll see. I still have to think about it a little.

Thanks for the help!

Gravity Man

Cool stuff, my only critique is that you should use leds! Those type of boxes are perfect for stealthcabs. Also, -and that's only due to my own paranoia- you would be better served putting vents a bit higher on any cabin, so that it's harder for mites and shit to get in.
I want to use LED's SO BADLY, but they are just a little far out of my price range at the moment. The wife was gracious enough to let me spend what I have to get this box up and running. I already told her that I wanted new lights for Christmas, so the LED is on the way!

I placed the vents down low on the sides because I'm a noob. There really isn't any other reason. They look great where they are and I don't feel TOO badly about it. Next time I do this, I'll probably have the intakes on the bottom, using a ported subwoofer type enclosure (hard to explain), or I'll place an intake on the back in the center.

Since the box will have cardboard on both sides, I feel like this should do the trick. The grilles have a mesh filter beneath them too. I guess I could always cut my own filters for the future out of a furnace filter. That will certainly keep bugs out!

Thanks for the advice!