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Active Member
HI All,

Here we are again. With the Christmas season is closing around, CRMC is launching the second round review contest from 7th,Dec to 31st,Dec.
How's the rules? :cool:
How can we get the cash award?:hump:
How can i get the CRMC VAPE PEN?:lol:

Below are the rules for your participation:arrow:.Mail us your inform for the CRMC SMRT Vape, get your review works done before 31st,Dec.
Come and join us, good luck guys!!!:D:weed:


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HI All,

Here we are again. With the Christmas season is closing around, CRMC is launching the second round review contest from 7th,Dec to 31st,Dec.
How's the rules? :cool:
How can we get the cash award?:hump:
How can i get the CRMC VAPE PEN?:lol:

Below are the rules for your participation:arrow:.Mail us your inform for the CRMC SMRT Vape, get your review works done before 31st,Dec.
Come and join us, good luck guys!!!:D:weed:
Thanks. I'm onboard.
Hell yeah guys thank you for letting me work with you on this can not wait for the vape pen and tee shirt me and Odin will be waitingIMG_20201203_101411.jpgand as always thank you for your time and the best wishes to you and your families @CRMC OFFICIAL
HI All,

Here we are again. With the Christmas season is closing around, CRMC is launching the second round review contest from 7th,Dec to 31st,Dec.
How's the rules? :cool:
How can we get the cash award?:hump:
How can i get the CRMC VAPE PEN?:lol:

Below are the rules for your participation:arrow:.Mail us your inform for the CRMC SMRT Vape, get your review works done before 31st,Dec.
Come and join us, good luck guys!!!:D:weed:
What is the email address to send information too @CRMC OFFICIAL ?
Well that is awesome and the best of luck @Doug Dawson I'm hoping that I get my sample package with the tee shirt I was thinking that you guys had forgot about it do to cov-19 glad to see that it is still happen as always thank you for your time and the opportunity
Thanks for the tracking number got it today and I can not wait until the sample kits arrive and as always thank you for your time and the opportunity to work with you
That's awesome, I am still waiting for them to send me mine. Padawan got his tracking today as well. I guess I will just keep waiting, sounds like they are catching up.
You take great care of your self seems like a lot of people depend you you guys are on the front line in this war as far as I'm concerned as always thank you for your time
My wife's a nurse and got her first shot today. She gets her second in 28 days.
Very cool. I am on the reserve list. There are doing the most vulnerable and old age home workers first so the rest of the staff will have to wait until they get them all done. We found out after a day of these things that they are getting 6 shots from each 5 shot vile. It appears they put extra in them. Once the vile is cracked it has about a 12 hour useable life and than must be disposed of, can't go back in the fridge. That means that at the end of each day they will take the left over shots and give them to other hospital staff so they don't go to waste. I have to be ready to drop what I am doing and head to one of the 3 hospitals I cover within an hour of getting the call. I keep my phone real handy.
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