Crooked stem


Please help. This is my first grow. I have 2 plants growing aout 20 days under cfl, basically the same way described in the seemoreuds book. I have the 2 in case one os male i can kill it.
1 plant looks healthy, very alive. the other has a twisted/bent stem. i dont know what to do.
I just switched to 12/12/ 2 days ago. I water the plant every two-three days with about 2 pints of water. What can I do to help this stem problem?



Well-Known Member
looks like the bent plant is getting all his nutrients sucked up by the other plant.
typical symptoms of putting 2 seedlings in one pot
I say transplant the bent one to his own plot you know his own root territory lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah... separate them, if one is male and you kill it the roots will rot and that can effect the other plant.....
I doubt that has anything to do with the odd stem... you do get odd plants from time to time... they do look good enough... Luck.


i watered the plant and put something underneath it to lift it up some. hopefully it will grow straight up again.