Cross Breeding & Hermaphrodite Seeds


Well-Known Member
:?:When cross breeding strains or getting hermie seeds. Will all seeds have the exact same genetics,half father, half mother? Can some seeds have more characteristics of the father plant while other seeds (of the same batch) have more genes from the mother plant. Simply put, can you get different types of seeds in one batch, excluding the possibility of stray pollen from another male somewhere. I ask this because i grew some hermie seeds that i cultivated and the plants were all different.

Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
yes. One hermie plant can produce a variety of genotypes, especially if both parents were heterozygous hybrids.

I advice you stay away from hermies if you are attempting to breed a strain. It will require more work, especially because you will have to lock out the hermie gene.

If you are simply creating your own seeds for personal use, then select the best of what you grow and cross them. Continue this process until you find a good mother plant.


Well-Known Member
Ok,thanks for the quick reply. I grew 3 plants with my hermie seeds and none were hermies. I'm sure there was a cross with indica and sativa since 2 plants had very narrow leaves and the third one had wide leaves overlapping each other. It was also shorter than the other two. I took the most indica looking of the three, since my ceiling is at 6'6", and am now cloning off of it...Roots should show any day now. This is day 8, my bubbler is ready to go. I got some more hermie seeds sprouting too in case I lose the clones, never know.

Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
Good luck. If you find 2 parents that do not exhibit any hermie tendencies, cross them and hope for the best.

Make sure to grow out several of the offspring, and test them.

More importantly, try to avoid stressing any of your plants. ;)