cultured solutions, anyone using it?


Well-Known Member
Looking for reviews or info on cultured solutions... the nutrients by the same company as the current culture, undercurrent rdwc systems which I'm running

I basically got fed up brewing tea and figured the nutrients by the people who make the system must be legit & the uc roots sterilizes so no more brewing tea every 2 days ha.

Trying to figure out if I can switch to steril in the current grow at 4 weeks... going to do a res change tomorrow and I think I'm going to do it.... or maybe I'll stick with the aquaflakes in the flowering plants and just add uc roots / mid bloom

What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Hey dr tell me more, how much calimagic are you using? Early and late bloom too? Are they worth it. In using the full line now without the early and late bloom booster which I'm pretty sure I'm going to buy the late bloom booster in the next few days.
