Curing & drying


Active Member
Maybe some of you can give me some insight.
I have dried my plant for 9 days and had to leave for 3 nights away, so on the 9th day, they seemed to be dry to the touch, so I have had them trimmed and jarred them, and took them with me to burp them. After the 3 night I came back home, wanted to try my buds and it appears she is still moist/wet from the inside. I have just emptied my jars quickly, checked for any possible mold (thank god nothing there) and put them to dry again. They smell amazing and look fresh, but it seems to me they are too wet from the inside, as I couldn’t even grind them.

putting them back to dry is the best way to go, right? Will it have any affects as I broke their curing process? Because the high is really clean.
Thanks for any Feedback
Maybe some of you can give me some insight.
I have dried my plant for 9 days and had to leave for 3 nights away, so on the 9th day, they seemed to be dry to the touch, so I have had them trimmed and jarred them, and took them with me to burp them. After the 3 night I came back home, wanted to try my buds and it appears she is still moist/wet from the inside. I have just emptied my jars quickly, checked for any possible mold (thank god nothing there) and put them to dry again. They smell amazing and look fresh, but it seems to me they are too wet from the inside, as I couldn’t even grind them.

putting them back to dry is the best way to go, right? Will it have any affects as I broke their curing process? Because the high is really clean.
Thanks for any Feedback
You'll be fine! Just wait until the stems crack when you bend them before you put them back in the jar. I like about 55% humidity and a temp between 60 and 70 in my drying space.
Drying and curing is an art along with a science.

I am drying my current grow in paperbags. I do take them out every day or two and let them sit on trimming table for a few hours. I weigh them and when they have dropped 2/3 of weight I put them in glass jars. If they feel moist to the touch after sitting in the jars I would put them on trimming table for a bit when they no longer felt moist would put them back in jar.
What were the temps & humidity levels in this space for those nine days?
I would think they aren’t properly dried yet.. but at this point.. as long as you keep track of humidity in the jars you should be able to burp as needed. Dump them out while you burp if humidity climbs over 65% in the jars. Burp for about 10-15 mins in a room that isn’t so humid.
Thats about all I can offer. Wish you luck.
Drying and curing is an art along with a science.

I am drying my current grow in paperbags. I do take them out every day or two and let them sit on trimming table for a few hours. I weigh them and when they have dropped 2/3 of weight I put them in glass jars. If they feel moist to the touch after sitting in the jars I would put them on trimming table for a bit when they no longer felt moist would put them back in jar.
Really an art.
Wanted to carry on and say it depends on how much your curing. In the fall when I had a four tier drying rack in the shed the amount of moisture given off from four full tiers is considerably greater than what is given off from 100 grams. In the shed in the fall the temps were in 60's the house now temps in 70's with low humidity. So doing the paperbags with small quantities works indoors in February. It has been smoke tested by myself and one other person so far it was very smooth and pleasant.
I check the progress two or three times a day and rotate buds. To me the success of the whole project is how much time you put into it.
Geez, hygrometers are like $20 for a five pack.

Takes the guesswork out of it....

More like 19.95 for 12 if you look.
I have plenty they work but if you look every 7 days it is pretty pointless. I do need to order some more as I have three sitting next to computer as I type this and the numbers are all over the place.
If they don't smell like haygrass or rotten straw, you are golden. Keep following the process and the cure will be good.
More like 19.95 for 12 if you look.
I have plenty they work but if you look every 7 days it is pretty pointless. I do need to order some more as I have three sitting next to computer as I type this and the numbers are all over the place.
My experience is different, the $20 for five are usually close enough for our purposes..

Sheesh, use two or three and take an average.

A close reading is Better than Nothing.

don't trust those, try something like this. About $14, no excuse ;)

Temp and humidity.JPG

I should add, I hang the branches until the buds feel crispy on the outside. For me that's five to seven days,

Then I buck the buds into a tote and That Is When I Use The Hygrometers !

They don't go into jars until they reach 58% !

Full process here !

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Buds SHOULD feel crispy when dried long enough. Not "crumbling apart" crispy, but very dry and stiff. There's still moisture in the core of the bud.

My perfect dry sessions show bud sitting at 55% RH in the first 4 hours in the jars, then the RH slowly rises as the internal moisture acclimates throughout the product to around 58-60% over the next 2 days. No "burping" REQUIRED, but a quick air purge for 5-10 seconds 2X a week for the first week, and they are ready for extended storage.
The term “cure” is used very loosely among growers. U aren’t really curing your buds, in the true & technical sense of the word. Instead, what’s meant by curing is the slow redistribution of the moisture that remains in the center of the bud while the outside is dry.
I think the term “sweating” is probably a closer description of the process.
Just as it happened with your (the OP) buds, moisture is remaining in the center long after the outside is quite dry. Once U seal the buds up in a jar or other airtight container, that moisture will creep out and redistribute.
There are many different preferred ways to manage this…..with jarring and burping being one of them.