Curing issue

Hey guys, it's been quite a few weeks since I chopped.
I have my good buds in a plastic tight container with two boveda packets and burp for 15 minutes a day.
There doesn't appear to be any mold but the bud still smells hayish.
A smaller bag of popcorn buds I let dry out at harvest seem to vape easier and smell better.
Here's pics with and without flash
Any tips?



Well-Known Member
yep, those popcorn buds dried like marijuana and not fermented and dried like tobacco, are making you smarter already....:blsmoke:
The smell isn't totally gone. Just masked. Purple kush buds are smelling normal.
Maybe this is a white domina CBD thing.
Last time I grew this plant I had the same smell.


Well-Known Member
I dry for 2-3 days before placing the bud in mason jars. I then burp the mason jars multiple times a day for at least 7 more days. I also use a hygrometer to get a sense of how close the RH is to my target of 60%. The hayish smell only stays for a few days after being placed in the jars. I suspect your bud was wetter than you thought and that is keeping the bud from curing properly. I periodically place the flowers in a paper grocery bag to ensure the RH gets to 60 as quickly as possible. It could also be strain specific as I am not a fan of the smell of most high CBD strains. I would definitely make sure the RH of your flowers is below 70 as everything I grow smells hayish when it's first placed in jars... Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Paper bags are so simple but work great! The Boveda packs can supply a small amount of moisture or remove a small amount of moisture... I think they may help stabilize the RH during temperature swings but in my experience they can't take in much moisture so I always shoot for an RH just below 62%. The core of very fresh, tight nugs is always slightly wetter than the outside and the RH can build up over time in a sealed jar. I do long-term cures so I just try to make sure I never see bud mold when I crack open a nug that's been curing for months. Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Bovedas work amazing. If you know how to use them. Once everything hang dries for 7-10 days and goes into jars and have been burped, THEN add Bovedas to your jar. Pretty sure their original purpose was for humidors, so think of using them that way. They arent big enough to draw a ton of moisture out