Curing method


Active Member
My method:
Buds are hung in a carboard box with fishing line and left to dry until the stems snap when bent.

Bud is put in jars and opened twice a day for 5 days

Buds are then opened once a day for 4 days.

Then the jars are left closed and opened every 3 days for the next weekn.

Then jarred until needed.

What do you guys do? I feel like I'm not getting a good smell back. The ash is nice and gray and burns clean. Do some strains just stay smelling kinda like grass?


Well-Known Member
I dry until the the bud stems are still a little flexible.

Then burp and jar similarly to you.

I keep my drying area around 55%RH and around 18C 65f.

This gives me an approx 11-14 day dry depending upon density and bud size.

Some folks use boveda 62 humidipaks.

Takes the guess work out of it.



Well-Known Member
I don't use a set time for burping jars. Check the buds in the jars to see if they need burping. If the buds keep building up moisture when jarred then burp. I've been using Boveda Packs. They eliminate the need to burp. Check around this forum for info on BP.


Well-Known Member
I don't use a set time for burping jars. Check the buds in the jars to see if they need burping. If the buds keep building up moisture when jarred then burp. I've been using Boveda Packs. They eliminate the need to burp. Check around this forum for info on BP.

May I ask which gram packs of BOVEDA 62 you use?

I can order 8gx12 packs pretty reasonably shipped to the UK too.

But unsure what size jars would be appropriate.

I have jars that hold 2oz up to jars that hd 5oz.



Well-Known Member
It should never smell like hay or just cut grass. IME excess nutes still in the medium, lead to this ugly flavor. The last few grows I've followed the keep it at 62% for months and it's been the best smoke I've cured.


Well-Known Member
Use 1 8g BP per oz. I use three 8g packs in 1/2gal jars. 1 8g pack in the smaller pint size jars. There is a chart on the Boveda website.


Well-Known Member
May I ask which gram packs of BOVEDA 62 you use?

I can order 8gx12 packs pretty reasonably shipped to the UK too.

But unsure what size jars would be appropriate.

I have jars that hold 2oz up to jars that hd 5oz.
I use one packet per 1/2 gal jar which holds close to 2oz. I also have several small cheap hygrometers, and I burp for a few wks till most of the excess moisture is gone then put in a Boveda packet, and seal the jar, they do keep the humidity at a stable 62%


Active Member
I'm going too look into those boveda packs.....
I've never seen any moisture ever in my jars, do you guys think I'm burping too often?

Also do you guys normally jar when stems are still flexible or when they break? Not having to burp sounds awesome


Well-Known Member
Use 1 8g BP per oz. I use three 8g packs in 1/2gal jars. 1 8g pack in the smaller pint size jars. There is a chart on the Boveda website.
Thanks very much.

Looks like I may need a few 8g packs then seeing as I may have to put 5 in my larger jars. Lol.



Well-Known Member
If the bud isn't great to begin with no amount of curing will make it better, I would suggest getting better genetics, as in my opinion your curing seems to be ok.


Well-Known Member
You're drying too long, drying until stem snap is bad info that has been passed around far too much. Buds should feel dry and slightly crispy but should still be a little squishy when you squeeze them. When the stems snap they are usually over dried. Despite what others say that hay smell can totally be fixed! After about a month or two of curing your buds should smell a LOT better


Well-Known Member
If you are still getting that chlorophyll taste in your buds, maybe you're not cutting enough of the leaves off of it.


Active Member
No there isn't a chlorophyll taste at all, taste is there. I'm beginning to think it's just this strain and it just smells like grass. A white W crop turned out stinky but I've only grown two strains. Maybe this strain just doesn't smell good....


Well-Known Member
Your method of drying/curing is perfect, by the book. However, low outside temps can make for some really low humidity readings. Low humidity leads to crispy bud that can taste and smell like lawn cuttings. I suggest you flush each plant 2 weeks before harvest and water with plain water only the last 2 weeks. Should help the taste. If your drying bud does get too crispy try re-hydrating with a slice of orange. I loosely wrap an orange slice in tin foil (so it doesn't come into contact with the product) and put the slice inside a jar you can seal it over night. The crispy bud will absorb a bit of the orange essence and the crispiness as well as the taste should improve. BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
I have been told that Bud should have a little bit of moisture, like between 7% and 10%. This keeps your smoke from crumbling to bust and burning too quickly, but little enough not to cause mold, smoke real good and stay lit easier /longer. A good way to know if your dry but not too much is to lightly press your bud between your fingers and it breaks and falls apart, then you messed up Bro.....:wall: Of course we all know that when you bend a stem without it snapping it's still not ready. I am not sure how to explain this in words. I guess you want the stem to snap but without your smoke falling apart like sand. I think I should of wrote this before smoking :bigjoint: About the burping your jars and how long. I always thought it's like a good wine. The longer the better, I think that's what they say. I don't know cause I drink beer and sweet tea. But from what I have had that was always real good quality had been jared for a very long time, the longer the better... a patience game. I am sure everyone has their preferences but I think curing and jarring are for two different reasons, after drying your smoke you would want to CURE it in jars for a while just to improve on how the bud smokes............I guess that's why they call it CURING...:confused: I don't know what I am saying cause I got the munchies and when I am hungry, I can't think about deep shit like this... Sorry folks.. Peace :weed: I don't even think that I answered your question .... LOL


Well-Known Member
OH ! I forgot, one more thing and I promise I'll shut up for tonight....LOL.... I heard that if you fuck up and your smoke is too dry or not enough aroma as it did or should have. They said to place a single large fresh fan leaf in the closed jar.... ???? I don't know....????