Curing question


Active Member
I am curing my buds now, and I have a couple questions.

I have my buds tied up to a metal hanger with twistie ties. I them took the buds and dropped them into a double black trash bag and hung it up in my closet.

Do the buds have to be in darkness (black trashbags cuz i have no other option) while curing???

Can i just hang them up without the black bag and watch them cure?


Well-Known Member
yes darkness will make the chlorophyll or the green be gone thats what makes it harsh.i dont know about a bag i use a box with a computer fan for air. still takes a week and half.


Well-Known Member
Also when your curing your buds you want to make sure they dry evenly. If you simply hang them or air them the outside will dry out and the inside will be damp. Not what you want trust me. The way to avoid this from deteriorating your buds, after they have aired out for a several days you should move them into jars, canning jars or any sealed container of similar size. The idea is that after you give them ahead start air drying for several day you move them into the sealed container. This slows down the process and will pull moisture now from the center outward. Open the jar every day and turn the buds over and allow the air to vent. This will give your buds a chance to cure evenly which in turn will keep them potent longer. IF you need to store you perfectly cured buds for a long time, the best way is to vacuum seal them. Don't ever freeze or refrigerate them. That will only cause deterioration and loss of potency. Just leave them in a dark place with a mild temp. They will stay as fresh as the day they were vacuum sealed, even a year later. Nothing else even comes close as a long term storage method. I once lost a bag of some of the most potent stuff I ever had. Anyway I found it 8 months later still vacuum sealed. When I opened the bag the buds were just as I remembered. Perefect, not dried out at all. It was like time stood still. I found it in an old guitar case stuffed in a pocket.

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Also when your curing your buds you want to make sure they dry evenly. If you simply hang them or air them the outside will dry out and the inside will be damp. Not what you want trust me. The way to avoid this from deteriorating your buds, after they have aired out for a several days you should move them into jars, canning jars or any sealed container of similar size. The idea is that after you give them ahead start air drying for several day you move them into the sealed container. This slows down the process and will pull moisture now from the center outward. Open the jar every day and turn the buds over and allow the air to vent. This will give your buds a chance to cure evenly which in turn will keep them potent longer. IF you need to store you perfectly cured buds for a long time, the best way is to vacuum seal them. Don't ever freeze or refrigerate them. That will only cause deterioration and loss of potency. Just leave them in a dark place with a mild temp. They will stay as fresh as they were the day you vacuum sealed them even a year later. Nothing else even comes close as a long term storage method.

Co-sign to that! - This is the best method known!!!



Active Member
thanks guys, so i want to hang them outside for 2 days then CLIP them and put them in a big jar and open it and flip them everyday? Does the darkness thing REALLY matter?


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, so i want to hang them outside for 2 days then CLIP them and put them in a big jar and open it and flip them everyday? Does the darkness thing REALLY matter?

You got it, the darkness protects the buds from damaging UV rays. The light damage adds up over time. It's not like film that will go bad right away. Just dont leave it laying around.