Curling, Yellow, Crispy, Sad Looking Leaves


Hello! My older fan leaves are starting to curl up, get a yellow discoloration, and become crispy :-(. This is also starting to happen at the tips of newer fan leaves. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Below is a picture of a couple of the leaves that are in the worst shape, which I just took off the plant. And a picture of the plant itself. I apologize for the quality of the actual plant, taking a picture under LED lighting doesn’t work out very well.

The deets…
Afghan strain (but this is happening to my other mystery indica strain as well).
This is a clone, cut 42 days ago, and has just started (rapidly) growing due to being under more intense light for the last 17 days.
19/5 vegetative light cycle
Hydroponic system
RO water
Using all nutrients that are recommended as a part of Flora Series Simple Drain To Waste
Using a CalMag supplement because of the RO water
Also adding a tad of hydrogen peroxide during each res change
I change the water every 7-10 days
PPM ranges between 700 and 800, it raises about 10 ppm a day though, and I add fresh water every now and then to get it back below 800. With it rising on its own, could this be a sign that it is getting too many nutes?
Temp range has been a little higher than I’d like recently, maxing out at 87°F during lights on (heat stress?), and around 77°F during lights off.
PH stays consistent, ranging from 5.8 to 6.2.
I have a Hot Shot No-Pest strip in there to keep bugs away.

Here are the GH nutes that I typically use for a res change, with 4.25 gallons of water:
FloraGro: 16 ml
FloraMicro: 16 ml
FloraBloom: 8 ml
RapidStart: 8 ml
Floralicious Plus: 3.25 ml
CALiMAGic: 21.25 ml
Hydrogen Peroxide: 17 ml
749 PPM

At this point I have no idea whether they are deficient in something, like Nitrogen maybe, have heat stress, nute burn, or something else.
Thanks for any suggestions :!:


Well-Known Member
My opinion, you're over feeding your plant with all those extra additives. Use just the gro,micro,and bloom and forget the other stuff for now and see what happens. I personally nver use any of those additives for my plants and have good sccess....just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
mg lock-out perhaps. yellow, curling necrotic leaves. go to a simple feed schedule and lose the micro-nutes as suggested.


Well-Known Member
scrog is on the money. i would flush with florakleen if you have it or just plain ph'd water if you dont.
then i would drop ppm to 600. i dont ever feed calimagic unless i actually see a deficiency as too much will cause a lockout


Thank you for your suggestions, this looks like nute burn/lockout then. I will cut back on the additives and drop the ppm a bit.

My plants were showing a CalMag deficiency before the CALiMAGic, so I will continue it, but lower the ratio.