Currant Canadian Law on the subject of Medical Marijuana


Well-Known Member
There was a mid-July deadline which was extended when federal government lawyers argued that current cannabis laws and regulations should stay in place until Ontario’s highest court could hear the appeal which took place on May 7th and 8th, 2012. In granting the deadline extension, the Court of Appeal noted that “The practical effect of the decision if the suspension were permitted to expire on July 14 would be to legalize marijuana production in Ontario, if not across Canada.

The extension is up in November 2012 and will be heard in court then.

If anyone can add to this please do.
As of June 7th, 2012 Matt Mernaugh posted this on his website.

"It’s been 30 days since R v. Mernagh was argued before Ontario Court of Appeal. If we’re lucky a ruling from the panel of three judges – who are known to vote in tandem – could be done sometime in August. Could be sooner or later, but it took 90 days to write the original ruling. Given the gravity of R v. Mernagh, I’m anticipating the justices to examine this issue very closely. They’re not going to take striking down personal marijuana possession and grow laws and a government run program lightly.
I don’t like speculating on what is going to happen. We put together an excellent body of evidence and if we didn’t – as the crown suggested – then we should be given clear instructions on how many witnesses the court would like us to call. The federal government’s argument was weak, including veiled threats about employing the not-with-standing charter clause this one time. Curiously when we win all the way, will The Harper Government pass a law specifically for medicinal marijuana that has Section 33 protection which would prohibit future cases such as mine? At least while he’s in office he could get away with it. Drastic, it’s never been done before, but that hasn’t stopped Harper on other issues like proroguing parliament. Imagine stripping gays their right to marriage or women their ability to choose by using Section 33 – there’d be outrage.
Let’s smoke some sativa.
We could speculate anything short of conviction would get appealed by the prosecutor to Supreme Court of Canada. Obviously it’s in the state’s best interest to imprison me. Then there’s my legal opportunity to appeal anything that goes against the original ruling. The feds begged Ontario Court of Appeal justices that regardless of how they rule the government requires a year to address the problems. One of my concerns is winning everything, but the government given a year. I’d most likely appeal that point because some of our witnesses are gravely ill and deserve to see a quicker outcome.
During the time of waiting we could spend all day guessing how the courts and government is going to react. I’m occupying my time with making video blogs, blogs, growing marijuana and writing a book for Green Candy Press. If you’re worried about missing my big news follow me on Twitter. After getting a phone call from Paul Lewin that the ruling is in, I’m going to phone my mom and dad, send out a Tweet and update FaceBook, call Chris Goodwin, Bud Cannabus and few close friends, and finally the news department at Newstalk1010. The Jim Richards Showgram is most likely to get the scoop. After those calls are made, I’m heading to Vapor Central to celebrate, do media and you can come down 667 Yonge St. or watch us live on Pot TV.
Instead of thinking about the ruling I’m focusing on the party planning. Lady Samalot idea of dumping a mountain of marijuana over my head ala football gatorade celebration is an awesome suggestion. Bong gauntlets, media interviews, chants, dancing, and of course as we all decided on The Mernahuana Show, we shall remove our pants and whirl them in the air like we just don’t care, but only after the room is clouded in so much smoke we can’t see the pantless pothead beside us.

Have a weedy day"

I truely hope this signifies the end of the unjust pot laws in Ontario and soon afterwards, all of Canada
