Current dispencerary list as of today


New Member
The funny thing about the map is they are cheating. They have included San Manuel as a non grow area. Yet the closest dispesnary is over 30 miles away by google measuements. I know for a fact that the San Manuel disp winner has just recently gave notice to the Town of Mammoth for the two properties they have under contract. Which means it has not been approved and therefore should not be affecting San Manuel. The contracts for the properties they are purchasing will not even close until late Sept or early Oct so it is impossible for them to be open and stopping grow rights.

When asked they only point to the map as gospel. When asked again which specific dispensary is stopping peoples rights they avoid the question. This is an issue that needs to be corrected. You can not tell me I do not have rights and then expect me to take your word for it.

While I will still have 72 plants this renewal and I only expect 60 next time I renew (disp will make me lose my right and 12 plants) this is utter BS to expect us to just take their lying words at face value. This should be defined as i do not beleive 90% are truley affected they are just saying that with no checks to verify and no obligation to the tax payer for verification.

This is why I do not play monopoly!! FUCK HUMBLE he can't stop me from growing legally!! He can only try to limit my plant count!!!
The funny thing about the map is they are cheating. They have included San Manuel as a non grow area. Yet the closest dispesnary is over 30 miles away by google measuements. I know for a fact that the San Manuel disp winner has just recently gave notice to the Town of Mammoth for the two properties they have under contract. Which means it has not been approved and therefore should not be affecting San Manuel. The contracts for the properties they are purchasing will not even close until late Sept or early Oct so it is impossible for them to be open and stopping grow rights.

When asked they only point to the map as gospel. When asked again which specific dispensary is stopping peoples rights they avoid the question. This is an issue that needs to be corrected. You can not tell me I do not have rights and then expect me to take your word for it.

While I will still have 72 plants this renewal and I only expect 60 next time I renew (disp will make me lose my right and 12 plants) this is utter BS to expect us to just take their lying words at face value. This should be defined as i do not beleive 90% are truley affected they are just saying that with no checks to verify and no obligation to the tax payer for verification.

This is why I do not play monopoly!! FUCK HUMBLE he can't stop me from growing legally!! He can only try to limit my plant count!!!

San Manuel was taken out by Catalina Hills Botanical Care in Oro Valley.
Here is the distance calculated by google as the crow flys. It is not even a questionable distance within a few miles. It is major frickin difffernce. I seriously contemplated filling the $225 at Superior court to get it challenged. Unfortuanley by the time it got to court it would not matter. That does not change the point they are blatently lying with no obligation to prove what they say is true.
Here is the distance calculated by google as the crow flys. It is not even a questionable distance within a few miles. It is major frickin difffernce. I seriously contemplated filling the $225 at Superior court to get it challenged. Unfortuanley by the time it got to court it would not matter. That does not change the point they are blatently lying with no obligation to prove what they say is true.
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Dude your smoking some heavy shit its 22.99 miles. Good thing you didn't try to sue.... LMAO! Your looking at kilometers on that map. I have also
founds Mellisa at AZDH very helpful with distances when I was mistaken. We had a good conversation which included the geolocation methods used.
She also informed me of a opened dispensary which was screwing things up for me but which was not yet listed however it was on the mileage calculator.
I guess I did not notice the difference. I must concied you are correct. I will go cook the egg on my face and stop smoking crack.
I guess I did not notice the difference. I must concied you are correct. I will go cook the egg on my face and stop smoking crack.

LOL dude...... I was like REALLY?!?!?! Sort of a MAJOR thing for a caregiver with 72 plants to sort of "mess up". All that piss and vinegar haha. ALWAYS check more than one map if you have access...didnt they teach you that in Infantry school..... cuz that shit was day 2 of USAF SS....... Go Army?

p.s. that sort of forum signature makes all Vets look like teen age morons in a dick swinging contest. You are NOT a weapons expert, and cringe factor 10 threats like that do more to make YOU look foolish, than they do scare any 'little shits". Grow the hell up man, if you feel the need to type that out, you arent mature enough for gun ownership.....fucking scares me who they let into the army these days.

As a Veteran from a Veteran family.... take that out man, show some fucking class.
I guess I did not notice the difference. I must concied you are correct. I will go cook the egg on my face and stop smoking crack.

No worries... Dispensaries are opening fast these days! Todays news from Will Hubble....

We’ve issued 61 medical marijuana dispensary operating licenses so far with only 2 weeks left on the 52 week time-clock. We have 21 more inspections scheduled between now and August 6, which is the deadline for Registration Certificate holders to get their Approval to Operate License so they can renew their Certificate (a 1-year timeframe). The biggest hang up with the remaining certificate holders seems to be their city occupancy approval (we don’t give operating licenses without a certificate of occupancy from their local jurisdiction).