Cut vegetative leaves?


Well-Known Member
why can't you just tuck the leaf behind the bud site.. why does everyone wanna chop their babies.. you can, but its not recommended. time and energy to repair where you cut could be better used growing bud. leaves are like big solar panels, they help your plant get light.. i mean you can chop em and you wont have an issue. seems the more leaves that get cut the more you shrink the yield..


Well-Known Member
pic example...
Won't make any difference with LED's. It's not a good practice in the first place, as those "vegetative leaves" are the solar panels for the plant. If your plant is to have any chance of flowering something worthwhile (not likely) you'll need those leaves.

Which LED are using?


Well-Known Member
no no No NO. ok? dont cut off perfectly healthy leaves. there is little if anything good that can come from it. as suggested if you must get them out of the way tuck them. but your plant grew those leaves for a reason. to drink in light and pump that energy to the buds.