Well-Known Member
ok i got 4 northern lights just gone into 12/12 about 3days - just sexed em as females, i took 2 cuttings from offa a decent looking female before i flowerd it (lucky guess) and they doing gud.so i now wanna take more cuts from offa the rest. thing is i trimmed up a little n got rid of the lowest smallest shoots that wud of been my cuts, so all i have left is the remaining shoots that wud provide good tops/buds. so im abit unsure as weather to cut or not. i know it makes sence to sacrifice 2 shoots offa a decent plant in return for 2 fullsized plants and the energy and work will go into the remaining buds so it seems benificial to me. but what do u guys rekon. shud i leave em as they areor take a few random cuts. this would leave me about 6 side branches and the main tops on each plant ,dont seem alot really but i know once theystart to fill out those 6 budsites can yield over an oz if matured correctly ect including the main cola. so it seems worth it in the long run im just not 100%.