CVS, IBS, bipolar disorder, the paranoia factor?


Active Member
I started smoking recreationally back in the mid 60's and had access to some very powerful Southeast Asian and Southen Mexican strains as my first experiences. I have travelled a good part of the world and over the years I probably tried every strain known up until around 1990 when I stopped smoking. One common factor with all of them was a residual paranoia. After a withdrawal period of around 6 months, I really didn't miss it. The reason I'm prefacing this info here is to sort of introduce myself and give a bit of my history as not being a newbie to cannabis. I am no longer a recreational user of any drug.

I'm faced with possibly being a caregiver to a friend. She doesn't have much if any history of recreational drug use other than some brief experimentation back in the 80's and what experience she had with cannabis induced a bit of residual paranoia. She is suffering from some debilitating illnesses. One of them is CVS. Another is IBS and another is bipolar disorder. She is also being counselled for PTSD by a psychotherapist and a psychiatrist and is currently taking medication for the bipolar disorder and for the IBS. When the CVS episodes occur, she is being treated with Phenergan and Ativan and occasionally with hard narcotics like Oxycontin. These conditions and the drugs that have been prescribed for her have basically created a situation wherein she has slowly become an invalid over the last 12 years. The CVS has been expecially devastating, as have been the phamaceuticals that are prescribed to treat it and she has been to detox/rehab twice since 2003 because of the Oxycontin. It's so incredibly addictive and dangerous and is a terribly complicating factor since these narcotics are someimes the only thing that can stop the cycle of pain that emerges when the CVS episodes ramp up and she has to be sedated. This is literally killing her slowly. She is ready to look at possible alternatives. I am ready to help.

I have started the ball rolling for her to possibly get some help by way of medical marijuana as this can't possibly be as toxic and unhealthy as the coctail she's taking right now. Her primary care physician (we are in Colorado) is open to the idea as long as her psychiatrist and psychotherapist are agreeable. The big possible downside to this that I see is residual paranoia. CVS, IBS and PTSD episodes are inherently interrelated can be caused by stress and paranoia can certainly create stress. I have heard that there are certain cannabis strains that have had the "paranoia" bred out of them. Is there any truth to this? If so, it could be a godsend for her. She would really like to eliminate the witches brew that has become her toxic life support system. We are waiting for feedback from her psychiatrist and psyhotherapist at this point as to whether they would be open to medical cannabis as an alternative therapy for her before proceeding. Both these individuals are very open minded folks but may not be educated as far as the therapeutic benefits of the newer strains of cannabis and I can't educate them because I've been out of the loop for almost 20 years.

If anyone here can provide some experience with medical cannabis as relates to any of these situations, especially the paranoia factor it would be very much appreciated as would links to any information that might specifically address cannbis therapy specific to any of these conditions.



Well-Known Member
in my experince, i have found that the sativa strains have a way less paranoi effect that the other two, well known indica and far lessly known by anyone ruderalis

stativa would be the way to go, im talking pure sativa or highly dominate sativa with a weaker less potent indica

it is rare to find ruderalis


Active Member
She has been on near-toxic doses of dicyclomine for many years which have done a marginal job of keeping her IBS flareups under control but have had some other pretty ugly side effects. Due to the tolerance she has developed for this medication over the years, she reached a dosage that so high that her doctor refused to write for more.

We watched this documentary the other night:
Subsequently, we acquired a small amount of hemp oil. She has been taking a very small dosage of this oil by capsule twice a day for the last three days. She has already been able to reduce the dosage by 2/3 within a couple of days with no ill effects at all.

She has had a healthy/normal appetite for the first time in about 10 years and the most amazing thing about this is that not only does she have this appetite, she has been able to eat without having a lot of pain subsequent to her meal and either starting to vomit or have an IBS flareup. I have know this person for many years and am very familiar with her condition. This is the first time I've ever seen her go for more than two days without some kind of gastric related episode. Another benefit to this has been her ability to get a decent night's rest. The hemp oil seems to be balancing her out a bit in this area. She is feeling no high/euphoric from this medication.........only an absence of the symptoms which have been making her absolutely miserable for the last 12 years. Her attention span and level of overall mental functionality is much improved. Today is the fourth straight day that she's been without pain. I'm seeing some hope in her eyes.