cylee's First Indoor CFL Grow from Seed!


Well-Known Member
My seeds are finally here today! Got them from AMS and it arrived in about a week and half. Great service, quick delivery, discrete packaging

Finished my grow box.. i used an old nightstand which i painted flat white on the inside, and I used pieces of cardboard boxes to make some flap doors. Seeing some pretty bad light leaks though. I'd love to hear suggestions from experienced folks. Right now I have two huge black plastic bags covering my entire setup.

Initial investments:
$57 10 Afghan Seeds+ 20 Free seeds
$25 Timer power strip
$36 CFL bulbs, Y-splitters, light socket adapters
$60 1 gallon plastic pots, foxfarm ocean forest potting soil, tiger bloom, grow big, tray, humidity dome etc.

Right now in my grow box i have two Y-splitters with 23W CFLs at 5500k color temperature. Just started germinating my seeds today and hoping to see some success in the next couple of days. Seeds were put in small lumps of compacted soil that expands in water ( no idea what it is called ) and placed in shotglasses filled with brita filtered water which was out overnight.

Planning to try some LST on this one. I didn't use my afghan seeds yet and decided to use the free seeds instead. I heard some good things about free seeds from AMS. If they don't turn out well I'll just practice some LST'ing.

Started germinating but nothing came out of the compacted soil so i dug them out to see what's going on. One had germinated and the other not. I replanted the germinated one into the soil, and I started germinating the other one along with another seed. I plan to grow two plants.

It's my first grow so ANY input is WELCOME!
Hope you guys enjoy! :D


Welcome, although I'm new here too. I recently started my first grow as well. What dimensions are you working with? What bulbs?



Well-Known Member
the closet is about 3 feet tall and i'm using 4 23W (100W equivalent) CFL's at 5500k color temperature. hoping to see some sprouting soon!


Well-Known Member
So I watered the planted seed this morning and slightly exposed the germinated seed. the seed was laying sideways, as in the root was pointing sideways. is that okay? or do i have to replant it with the root pointing down? :/
I had the same problem with one of mine. REPLANT it. I didn't and it didn't take. It actually explored about 3 inches outside its starter pod before dieing.


Well-Known Member
I did replant it, and I also planted the other seed that germinated last night. It's been a total of 6 days now, and I finally saw the seed coming out of the soil today. It's just barely showing its surface. I hope it grows really fast! Not so many pictures to show :/


Active Member
If it were me, I would line with mylar, get rid of that hanging cord and get a couple power strips to line the top. I would also add about double the lights. You also should have some airflow to move the heat from your lights off your plants. Just my 2 cents :)


Well-Known Member
couldn't find 6500k's but i would have bought those for sure. i'm pretty broke right now so i can't afford mylar lol i have exhaust fans and intake fans keeping the temperature constant at 75~80 degrees as shown in the picture :) can't afford hps either :(


Well-Known Member
hey ya'll~

i saw the seed casing trying to come out of the soil today! I didn't want to deal with fragile root tips when transplanting so i decided to do it tonight before i went to put my babies to sleep.

i'm using fox farm ocean forest potting soil. natural and organic so i'm looking forward to seeing really good results.

one question though, when should i start using fox farm's grow big solution?

cheers! :weed:


I picked up a two pack of 6500k's by GE for $10 at wal-mart the other day.

Also I belive you should wait a month before feeding them. They should get everything they need from the soil until then.


Active Member
couldn't find 6500k's but i would have bought those for sure. i'm pretty broke right now so i can't afford mylar lol i have exhaust fans and intake fans keeping the temperature constant at 75~80 degrees as shown in the picture :) can't afford hps either :(

LOL, I must be blind, didn't see the fans...bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
omg i watered my plants today and my seed got exposed... it looked like the root was totally growing sideways.. idk what to do