Dad Getting Busted Story!


Active Member
Just a little story about my old man getting busted a couple years ago...

A few years back my old man had a couple outdoor ladies by his back shed. He decked out the shed with couches, stereo, fridge, cable tv, all that good shit so he could chill and toke...The ladies were almost ready to harvest. Also I will add they were just for percy.

One day my Mum had a day off from work and was reading the paper inside when all of a sudden there is knocking at the 'Back Door'. Mum freaked cos who the fuck would be in the backyard. She opens the curtains to see 5 coppers standing there and all a sudden there's a few cars out front. She opens the door and the cop says "We had a call about somebody jumping peoples back fences so we had come out to take a look, but we stumbled across something rather interesting. Do you know what im talking about?" Mum plays dumb and says no. He walks my mum out back and around the corner to the ladies and say "Do you know what they are?" Mum comes back with a typical answer..."Tomato Plants" Cop say "No, its Marijuana"

Mum goes on to explain that they are her husbands and she had no idea what they were, blah, blah...They ask my mum to open the shed so they can look inside for this so called 'Fence Jumper'. Mum says its dead locked so there is no way he could be in there. They demand to be let in anyways. Silly mum let them in even without a warrant but once inside they didnt find shit except a small amount of my dads stash and some rolling papers on the table lol There was nothing in there. Mum told me later that once they checked the shed they seemed almost pissed off...Like they were expecting to find something in there.

After the little search the cop asks my mum to get my dad on the phone. Cop ends up talking to my dad for awhile and after the phone call the cop was pretty cool, basically joking around with my mum while the others pulled the plants and took them to the cars...When they were leaving the cop tells my mum to let my old man know to check above the air-con in the shed...

Mum goes into the shed and looks above the air-con and sees something...Its a stem thats been pulled from one plant with little nugs on it. She says it wasnt much but still...My dad had asked the cop to leave him a little bud just so he could try the stuff he put the effort into growing...

I think after the cop spoke to my dad, realized my old man is pretty down to earth and it was just a personal grow he might of felt bad. You look around my parents house and you can tell they are real hard workers and just like a little smoke after the work day...

When I got home from work we looked over the neighbors fence(The one my dad doesn't get along with AT ALL) and there was bricks stacked against the fence like steps...:-?! Now personally, I think there was no fence jumper and they just used that as an excuse to get into the yard. Parents live behind a paddock but the shed blocks access to the yard so they would have had to go through a neighbor to get to my parents...Neighbor couldn't see the plants but they fuckin REEKED so I think the neighbor called the cops and they came over expecting a massive setup in the shed or something...But thats just my opinion! Dad ended up going to the cop shop that night...Had to go to court and got slap on the wrist in the end.

I just think it quite funny that the cop left him a few nugs before they left...
That's a pretty good thing the cop did. I don't get all of the cop hate. You treat them with respect they more times than not will treat you the same. In all of my life I've only been harassed by a cop once. I ignored his idiocy treated him with nothing but respect, despite him trying to pin anything on me so he could search my car like do I drink smoke weed yada yada, told him a few sob stories and he left me off.
That's a pretty good thing the cop did. I don't get all of the cop hate. You treat them with respect they more times than not will treat you the same. In all of my life I've only been harassed by a cop once. I ignored his idiocy treated him with nothing but respect, despite him trying to pin anything on me so he could search my car like do I drink smoke weed yada yada, told him a few sob stories and he left me off.

Yeh I agree with that to an extent. I will always treat coppers with respect initially but sometimes no matter what you do they just abuse their power and are pricks. Where my parents live its a nice middle class area ya know, so once the cop rang my dad and realized what was up he changed his tune. Mum said it was noticeable after they spoke...He still had to go through all the legal bullshit for growin but the cops just doing they job. Still a champ for leaving something even though it was next to nothing! I still think the neighbor ratted him in and they were expecting something bigger...
Just a little story about my old man getting busted a couple years ago...

A few years back my old man had a couple outdoor ladies by his back shed. He decked out the shed with couches, stereo, fridge, cable tv, all that good shit so he could chill and toke...The ladies were almost ready to harvest. Also I will add they were just for percy.

One day my Mum had a day off from work and was reading the paper inside when all of a sudden there is knocking at the 'Back Door'. Mum freaked cos who the fuck would be in the backyard. She opens the curtains to see 5 coppers standing there and all a sudden there's a few cars out front. She opens the door and the cop says "We had a call about somebody jumping peoples back fences so we had come out to take a look, but we stumbled across something rather interesting. Do you know what im talking about?" Mum plays dumb and says no. He walks my mum out back and around the corner to the ladies and say "Do you know what they are?" Mum comes back with a typical answer..."Tomato Plants" Cop say "No, its Marijuana"

Mum goes on to explain that they are her husbands and she had no idea what they were, blah, blah...They ask my mum to open the shed so they can look inside for this so called 'Fence Jumper'. Mum says its dead locked so there is no way he could be in there. They demand to be let in anyways. Silly mum let them in even without a warrant but once inside they didnt find shit except a small amount of my dads stash and some rolling papers on the table lol There was nothing in there. Mum told me later that once they checked the shed they seemed almost pissed off...Like they were expecting to find something in there.

After the little search the cop asks my mum to get my dad on the phone. Cop ends up talking to my dad for awhile and after the phone call the cop was pretty cool, basically joking around with my mum while the others pulled the plants and took them to the cars...When they were leaving the cop tells my mum to let my old man know to check above the air-con in the shed...

Mum goes into the shed and looks above the air-con and sees something...Its a stem thats been pulled from one plant with little nugs on it. She says it wasnt much but still...My dad had asked the cop to leave him a little bud just so he could try the stuff he put the effort into growing...

I think after the cop spoke to my dad, realized my old man is pretty down to earth and it was just a personal grow he might of felt bad. You look around my parents house and you can tell they are real hard workers and just like a little smoke after the work day...

When I got home from work we looked over the neighbors fence(The one my dad doesn't get along with AT ALL) and there was bricks stacked against the fence like steps...:-?! Now personally, I think there was no fence jumper and they just used that as an excuse to get into the yard. Parents live behind a paddock but the shed blocks access to the yard so they would have had to go through a neighbor to get to my parents...Neighbor couldn't see the plants but they fuckin REEKED so I think the neighbor called the cops and they came over expecting a massive setup in the shed or something...But thats just my opinion! Dad ended up going to the cop shop that night...Had to go to court and got slap on the wrist in the end.

I just think it quite funny that the cop left him a few nugs before they left...

So what happened to the neighbor? If it was me something would be done. Chicken race maybe?
So what happened to the neighbor? If it was me something would be done. Chicken race maybe?

Nothing really happened to the neighbor in the end. What could be done really...Better to let it go than get in more trouble with the law...And at the end of the day we had no proof that he was the one who ratted even though it seems that way..