Dadio's new girls. 2nd grow. Blueberry. Comments Welcome.


Well-Known Member
This afternoon I started my new grow. It will be six Blueberry girls that I got today as clones.
I will be vegging with a 400W MH . I will veg for two weeks and then switch to a 600 HPS.
I am doing a Flood and Drain system in a 2 x 4 flood tray. Going to be using 6 x 6 Rockwool blocks with nothing else in the tray. I like this method because I can move the blocks around as I see fit to get better use of my light. I did this my first grow with no problems. I will try to include as many pics as my crappy little camera will let me. I used GH advanced nutrients last grow with success so I will use them again. I am growing in my closet as this is a medical grow.



Well-Known Member
OKAY , today is day 21 vegging for my girls. I started this grow being told I had six BLUEBERRY clones . While my girls are very healthy today , I don't think they are are Blueberry. Three look like one strain and the other three look like a different strain.This could become a problem later but I will deal with it as time goes on. At least they are all girls so no time is waisted.
On day one I made a neewbe mistake by being in a hurry to get things going. I only soaked my Rockwool blocks for 45 minutes instead of several hours. My girls got a little PH burn. I made sure the Resivoir was PH'd correctly and just let things happen instead of freaking out. They rebounded just fine in a couple days. I was hoping to start flowering tomorrow , but I think I will vegg for another week.
On my first grow , I tried to be cheap with the nutes and just kept topping off the resivoir. I had no real idea were I was with PPM. I still don't have a meter so I am going to change the resivoir every Saturday throughout the harvest.
Let me know what you think.



Well-Known Member
Yesterday was day #1 of flowering . I switched out to my 600W HPS bulb after vegging for 28 days with my 400W MH. I am still using the GH series of nutes and started adding Pineapple Rush now also. It's the Flora Necter. Liquid Kool Bloom started.



Well-Known Member
Okay , today is Day 7 of 12/12 and the girls seem to be doing great. They are growing so fast. Here are some pics that I just took and now I am off to go change out the resevoir. The blocks started to feel a little light during the day so I increased the watering to 3 times a day. No signs of overwatering. The tallest girl is at 34" right now. The first pic is from the bottom looking up at the light. A little thick in there.



Active Member
I know you said you flood 3 times/day but how far up do you flood these 6" cubes and for how long? Do you let the water flood all the way up to cover the cube or about halfway (3") ??? very nice, healthy, happy plants !



Well-Known Member
thank you . I flood the blocks about 2" high. Flood for 15 minutes , three times a day. Only during the light cycle.


Well-Known Member
not right now I don't . It is a lot easier then it looks. I learned how to build it by looking at a lot of you-tube videos and made one to fit my closet.


Well-Known Member
Today is Day # 25 of 12/12 . Here are a few pics I snapped last night . The girls are growing fast . I originally had bought 6 clones of Blueberry but I didn't get what I paid for . Use caution when buying your clones from someone who is stoned out of their mind at said time of transaction . Now that the girls are budding and are giving off a scent , I strongly believe ( after checking with my guy ) I have three NYC Diesel girls and three FLO girls . Still not too bad for free clones .



Well-Known Member
Not to bad at all dude for free clones. Lookin Good like the set-up, im making a flood and drain set-up at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Damm , I wish I had my camera working . Today is the beginning of week 8 and a lot of trics are amber in color . I cleaned out the reservoir really good today and started to flush using Clearex . I am still going to have an OKAY yield but was looking forward to a great yield . I made a newbee mistake and tried to make my girls bloom a little more here at the end and added too much Liquid Koolbloom . Wow , that burned the girls up a bit on the bottoms of the plants . I was able to correct problem by flushing and adding new nutes at 3/4 strength . Everything started coming back all green and better looking . I can't wait to harvest so I can get things cleaned up and get the next grow started . I really like the way my Flood and Drain system is working . Very easy for a newbee . I just really need to get my nutes dialed in better to finally get my shit together . I keep reading here on RIU and am picking up a lot of good tips . YES , I do a lot of reading while my grows are happening . I might have to break down and ask HOMEBREWER for advice on the nutes . His grows look nice and green down to the blocks . Since my grow is coming to an end and I have to clean everything up , I might borrow a camera and take some pics as I reset everything up so people can see how easy it is to get going .


Well-Known Member
Damm , I wish I had my camera working . Today is the beginning of week 8 and a lot of trics are amber in color . I cleaned out the reservoir really good today and started to flush using Clearex . I am still going to have an OKAY yield but was looking forward to a great yield . I made a newbee mistake and tried to make my girls bloom a little more here at the end and added too much Liquid Koolbloom . Wow , that burned the girls up a bit on the bottoms of the plants . I was able to correct problem by flushing and adding new nutes at 3/4 strength . Everything started coming back all green and better looking . I can't wait to harvest so I can get things cleaned up and get the next grow started . I really like the way my Flood and Drain system is working . Very easy for a newbee . I just really need to get my nutes dialed in better to finally get my shit together . I keep reading here on RIU and am picking up a lot of good tips . YES , I do a lot of reading while my grows are happening . I might have to break down and ask HOMEBREWER for advice on the nutes . His grows look nice and green down to the blocks . Since my grow is coming to an end and I have to clean everything up , I might borrow a camera and take some pics as I reset everything up so people can see how easy it is to get going .
hey whats up dadio? ive been watching ur grow and just wanted to say ur doing a hell of a job...would like to see the new pics of the plants...I really like ur set the moment, im building my flood and the moment im in soil but in october i will be seting that up in my flower i would love to see some step by step pics of u reseting ur u got my vote..dial in ur nutes, but dont change nothin else..keep doing what ur doing...helluva job my man..+rep from me...Peace..Ganja


New Member
since i love your super clean set up, i've been subscribed as well.

with regard to nute schedule, your last pics show a tiny bit o' tip burn... your plants look lush & green.

fabulous actually.

there are guys that make nute soups & there are guys that keep it simple... as long as you have a TDS meter, i am finding that a base nute with one or two suppliments is all that's necessary.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the compliments guys . I am having such fun at my new hobbies . I am going to continue to try to keep it simple on the nutes . I am still using the GH three part system and I am only adding Liquid Koolbloom and Floranecter ( Pineapple Rush ) . I can't wait till I can afford another light so I can set up a mirror system in the closet and break up the trays to three plants each so they will all have more room . My Medical License says I can grow a lot more plants but we can only grow 6 plants in a residense in my town . I just don't want to push my luck as far as the law goes . I like to fly low under the radar . I changed the reservoir yesterday and filled with Clearex to flush and this morning the buds are starting to bulk up a bit . I am having to use some Hemp string and thumbtacks to tie the girls up . I will flush on my regular times today and change out the reservoir tomorrow with clean Clearex again . I did it this way on my first grow as the smoke was very smooth .


Well-Known Member
Okay , I chopped the girls and hung them out to dry for 5 days . The girls were really crispy and the stems having a nice crisp snap to them . Snipped off all the buds from the branches and put everything into jars for a good cure . The first trimmings have been in the jars for 2 days . The wife and I couldn't resist and smoked a bud last night . It was sooo smooth . The ash was an even grey and absolutly no poping while smoking . We got an incredible high but just need a week more to get that sweet taste . Still , it wasn't too bad . I came out with a dry weight of 12 ozs. I was hoping for 16 ozs but I got a little over zealous with the liquid Kool Bloom at week 4 and that stuff will burn your plants . I was able to flush and save plants but lost a bit of my yield . So , I have just finished my second grow and I am okay with what I got . I do still consider myself a newbee but learning . I love my set up , I just need to get this nutrient thing down . On my next grow, I will back off on the nutrients a bit and educate myself more here as this is MY weekness in my grow .
Well , I guess thats it for now . I will start a new Journal next in a couple days when I start again . Gotta find some new clones .