Damping Off fungus ID? How to treat organically?


New Member
I've got a question for you. Is there a way to identify which fungus is responsible for my damping off issue?

I stuck a bunch of seeds in Jiffy pucks and I've lost like four seedlings to this damn fungus! Is there a way to identify which one is responsible? There isn't any fungus noticeable on the pucks, but the stems shrivel up and the cotyledon are fine (until they can't get any more nutrients due to the stem shrivel) and they die.

Is there any way to treat the other plants that aren't effected yet without using chemicals?

I just started to remodel my bathroom and I didn't have this problem until I started that project. My grow is the basement, but not below the bathroom that is getting torn into, but is there a chance the spores originate from the construction? Or maybe due to the bathroom floor/basement ceiling being open for a few days? Or is it a possibility that because I bought the Jiffy pucks like two years ago that they have anything to do with it? I normally don't use them, but I thought I would do something different this time. Oh, and the other difference between this planting and the rest is that I didn't have any more plastic plant tags so I used wooden ones which is something else I don't normally do. I did see some blue/green fungus on the moist wooden plant tags.
Or did I just create the "perfect storm" with the method I used to germinate the seeds?

I would post pics but as soon as I saw the seedlings laying over, all sad and dead. I took the pots to the compost pile and dumped them in. If it happens again I will post pics.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Damping off is common, the spores could come from absolutely anywhere. The only real way to treat it is to keep humidity and moisture levels down as far as possible. After that, H2O2 is your friend, 50 volume mixed at one millilitre per litre around the stems should work a treat. Not too sure about organic ways to treat it other than making sure you have all the right bennies in your soil, so I don't think there's much you can do. H2O2 is incredibly safe and benign in small amounts. Should break down to nothing but water and oxygen really soon, but will kill the fungus before that happens.

All the best with this.
