Danner's second attempt (Stealth amplifier grow box)


Yo yo,

Danner here. I've already tried growing out of this pack of fem auto low ryder, to be honest I've learned it's a stupid idea starting on expensive seeds. For any new growers out there, I wouldn't advise buying seeds, start with bag seed until you know what you're doing. You think it's easy, but I've made a lot of beginners mistakes. This time, I'm going straight by the books. I've substituted my ericaceous compost for some multi purpose compost with some perlite in it, and have just potted my babies today. Here's how they're looking (Basic proximity to lights, the top soil is about 1 inch away from the CFLs)

Light proximity.jpg

These cups are about 300ml, I filled them to quite near the top and my germinate seeds are roughly an inch and a half deep (to the second knuckle on my baby finger). I've very lightly watered them as I was afraid the soil may be too moist already, I put in about 15ml into each (half a EU shot glass). I've put little holes in the bottom of the cups to allow excess water to flow out. I've decided to make this post to people can keep progress on my grow, and so I don't fuck up too heavily, I'm not asking for babysitting but I'd really love if I could get some help as I move along, and I will be updating this thread at ever noticable change (Probably every 3 days I water them). They're on a 16 hour light cycle, with 8 hours off. That's what I've been told works best with autos, but if anyone has any different ideas please let me know.

Set up is quite basic, 12v fan, 2x 46W CFLs, Mylar, inside an amp box. The light emissions aren't too bad, but I have to cover the entire box with a mylar sheet once I've closed it up, and then there's virtually no light. Here's how it looks without the mylar sheet for those who are curious:


Well, I hope I've at least caught your attention because due to my last failure (https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/777746-need-help-quick-stat-total.html) my confidence has been shattered and I'm ready to follow any direction you wish to give me.

Cheers and hope you enjoy taking this journey with me,
Danner ;-)


Well-Known Member
Hiya Danner, hope you have more success this time m8. Might just be me, but think inch n half a little deep, but won't make any difference..just maybe a day or 2 longer before they pop through the dirt.. Try hanging the CFL on side(better light=Lumens) this way from what I've read and experienced.. also I would raise the CFL a little..don't want to Shock the ladies when they 1st arrive..

I started with Bag Seed..it's OK, and def a learning experience..but I'm going to stick with Herbies and Fems..will defo be doing some Autos this year..and a few Regs of Mr Nice and jorge cervantes Diamonds?

What size type? Type Pot you going to finish em in?


EDIT: Wicked Grow Box!!


Active Member
i agree with last post,1 1/2 deep is too much,and its best to germ them before you put them in soil


@Joob, they were germinated before I put them in soil as I said already, I kinda knew an inch and a half was too deep already, but I kinda did it just incase because the problem with the last ones was that when I went to transfer the root system wasn't spread out enough. I'm transferring them into a 3 litre pot, (Almost a gallon for you US folk), should give them a nice bit of room. Am I right in saying that when you come to transferring, you dig up the root ball (gentle of course) when the soil is dried out as much as possible, shake off the excess dirt, and then replant it directly into the next pot? How deep should I replant when I come to transferring? I really hope the depth of the seeds won't have too much of a negative effect, but I really don't mind if they'll take longer to show their pretty faces.


Well-Known Member
How deep should I replant when I come to transferring? I really hope the depth of the seeds won't have too much of a negative effect, but I really don't mind if they'll take longer to show their pretty faces.
Hiya Danner, I tend to Water em and let em stand for a bit before potting-on(transfer) also the easiest way I find is once watered and stood for a little bit(while I make a Splif and sort kitchen Table out, Compost Mix and so on) is turn the Plant/Pot upside down(supporting the Soil end)and Gently squeeze a little at the upturned bottom and then still supporting the soil/Plant end..Push your thumb gently on the bottom of Plant Pot(Your case Cup) and the whole root ball/Compost mix/Plant should start to slide out..Plus being a little moist will not fall apart so much(Depends on Root Structure as well) I tend to have the next size Pot already ready at this point..after watching Jorges and other Gardeners I fill the New Pot with my Soil(Compost) and Perlite and Clay Pebbles before I start and fill to nearly the Top of new Pot..then looking at what size the smaller pot is i Dig this amount out(about a Fists worth) of the new mix/Pot so the transplant hole is about the same size as the littler Pot.



EDIT: How big is the Amp Box(height/Width/Depth) and will you be Flowering in this? and will you be sticking with CFL?

Still lovin the Marshall Weed Box!!


That sounds like a really conorehensive foolproof method, thank you! Im a little worried at the moment for two reasons and the reason I haven't posted is there's been no noticeable difference. Im worried that the soil ia drying out too much and that as result the temperature is too high, then my mind turns to Swaziland and Jamaica. Ive been watering every 3 days (5 days in) and on the third day the soil was dry as tobacco from a cigarette and clumped together, then I watered them today (two days after) and the soil felt a tiny bit moist, like a fresh pack of rolling tobacco. Im guessing seeing as my first problem was over watering im over reacting, and I guess the 5 days without popping up could be down to the inch and a half depth in soil. Ive also moved the lamps further away as to not shock the ladies when they do turn up. Thoughts?

Edit: the speaker was 15 inches, so 20 inches potential room top to bottom, about 2 foot width and a foot deep. LST to maximize potential? Vision seeds say 26-48 grams a plant but id take ten a piece if im honest, or even enough for a joint if it flowers!


Well-Known Member
Could be down to the depth Danner, might just be a case of wait and see?

Inch & Half is pretty deep but just means a couple extra days...Sometimes when I've Germ'ed em in paper towel then put into Soil/compost mix.. taken 3 to 4 days for them to pop through and I probably only went about 1cm deep..

Give Her Time...
