Dark Round Spots on Leaves


Well-Known Member
I am a first time grower and only have one plant being grown outdoors. The plant is being grown in a field with many other plants around it - so I know there is bugs. A day or two ago I noticed very dark - almost black spots on only a few of the leaves....generally in the center of the leaf and very close together. Today the spots have spread to another leaf and they are more gold and brown. The leaves that have the most spots seem to be curling upwards.

I do not know what the problem is, I think it could be bugs or maybe a plant fungus?

**I noticed other plants around my plant ALSO had the same dark / brown spots.



Well-Known Member
i would really love to know how to fix this...i can move the plant to another location but i dont know why it started to get these large, dark spots

josh b

Well-Known Member
i have the same sorta problem mate,there like very faded goldy brown patches and spreading i need help lol


Active Member
if it gets worse remoe the leaves , if the stem of those leaves are yellow they are probly dying leave so pick them offf to keep the rest of the plant safe;]


Active Member
man get ur plants the f@#k out of there if you can min are in the grownd so i cant it just cept sprandind and 65% of my leaves fell of and spots are on the trees and outher plants to it kills them i think its a fugus


Active Member
and can someone help me i dont no how to start a new post. i wood like to put up pics of that the spots did to my 9 ft monsters