Dark shade of green starting from outside of the leaf

I posted before with a magnesium deficiency I used a tablespoon of epsom in 2 gallons of water it seemed to help but now they seem sad no signs of nitrogen toxicity I use RO water comes out 7.1 and I bring it too 6.3 I am chasing my tail and
Might be causing problems using RO in soil. Tap water has Calcium and Magnesium in it for free, and your're stripping it out. Then adding it back in. Extra work.

@Budzbuddha already explained this RO situation to you.

Is there a reason you're still using RO? What is temps/RH? What nutrients are you using? What is light? Light distance?

-need more light
-proper wet/dry cycle
-needs balanced feed (with runoff and not sitting in runoff)
Shit that is some magical visions, the leaf is green outside of it, so what the hell does the leaf look like inside of it? Is there green lights shining around the leaves? Like an out of plant experience? Maybe a Jesus cloud? I’m rambling……
I posted before with a magnesium deficiency I used a tablespoon of epsom in 2 gallons of water it seemed to help but now they seem sad no signs of nitrogen toxicity I use RO water comes out 7.1 and I bring it too 6.3 I am chasing my tail and
I'd need to see the plant. They go different colors for all sorts of reasons. It's easier to see it than name off a long list of possibilities based on little information. Too much info gets to be a long read but a few good pictures really get to the point.