Day 11 auto Colorado cookies,west coast og.... Feedback plz


Active Member
Moving slow because u started in bigger containers. Roots have a lot more work to do Filling out that space a bit before rapid vertical growth starts. I also would go heavier on the perlite when starting in that large of container to improve drainage and help those roots along faster. That said they look nice and I wouldn't worry about anything just don't over water, do not completely saturate that pot yet make the roots search for the water. Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
little slow, yes
soil type might suck, especially foxfarm
nutrient use might be suspect
watering frequency might be off
light might be weak
temps might be wrong
rh might be high or low

cover those, no issues after that, could just be slow girls.


Well-Known Member
Moving slow because u started in bigger containers. Roots have a lot more work to do Filling out that space a bit before rapid vertical growth starts. I also would go heavier on the perlite when starting in that large of container to improve drainage and help those roots along faster. That said they look nice and I wouldn't worry about anything just don't over water, do not completely saturate that pot yet make the roots search for the water. Good luck!!

you mean, like outdoors does it? nature fucked it up? seeds should be designed to fall into dixie cups instead of open earth?? c'mon, thats ridicuous. my seeds started in a cup or in a five gallon pail grow at the same rate silly.
With autos you have to start in a big pot cant transplate autos!! But i am 3 weeks in my cropking autos and mine were the same way i thought the same thing mine were the same size at 2 weeks old they will start taking off in the next week and stems will get thick mine are still small but the stems are getting fat and my tops not my fan leaves are about an inch long20170107_190839.jpgThis pic is tmy biggest at about 2 and a half weeks
I also have one same age and size its mt first time with autos so ill be hapoy with20to 40 grams a plant then after a few euns hope to get 2 to 3 zips a plant from seed to harvest 9 weeks!
No way?! Lol do you remmebr how much you got on your first girls? How big where they how many grams? Im excited if i can get a zip and a half from each one ill run 50 unch 3 600w in my 5x10x7:):)


Active Member
you mean, like outdoors does it? nature fucked it up? seeds should be designed to fall into dixie cups instead of open earth?? c'mon, thats ridicuous. my seeds started in a cup or in a five gallon pail grow at the same rate silly.
My limited experience (3years) says otherwise that's all. I get much faster growth in the first two weeks if I use smaller containers. Just my experience. I will concur that some of the other factors you said come into play. But given the picture, nice green, not stretched, not overly soggy looking soil, assuming most in soil don't give nutrients that early on, i thought I'd throw out my suggestion. Sorry if I'm giving bad information I'm a newbie myself!


Well-Known Member
My limited experience (3years) says otherwise that's all. I get much faster growth in the first two weeks if I use smaller containers. Just my experience. I will concur that some of the other factors you said come into play. But given the picture, nice green, not stretched, not overly soggy looking soil, assuming most in soil don't give nutrients that early on, i thought I'd throw out my suggestion. Sorry if I'm giving bad information I'm a newbie myself!
its all good, I get it. was thinking though that if the soil is always wet in a larger container then its getting too much water, its not the containers fault is all.


Well-Known Member
With autos you have to start in a big pot cant transplate autos!! But i am 3 weeks in my cropking autos and mine were the same way i thought the same thing mine were the same size at 2 weeks old they will start taking off in the next week and stems will get thick mine are still small but the stems are getting fat and my tops not my fan leaves are about an inch longView attachment 3872918This pic is tmy biggest at about 2 and a half weeks
Ruderalis is a short stocky plant, give it some time it will fill out but most likely stay short and stubby.