Day 2 and 2 dead???? WTF....

Right I got these as clones, planted yesterday all roots were looking good, they're under a 600w hps but tomorrow I'll change it to 400w, obviously it's hot in there and I'm just on 30 degrees-ish, maybe 1 or 2 degrees higher maybe 1-2 degrees lower. The humidity usually sits at around 40-50%! 2 look dead and rest don't look that great, they've grown an inch or so with 18/6, but will they be ok? I watered when I first planted them and gave them a quick spray. 2 have pretty much curled up and drooped right down, the other 8 look good in parts, maybe tiiiiiny yellowing on the edges and slightly drooping but decent apart from that.. Is this just the shock of the heat/light?

Pics to follow... Help!!
Also the leaves on the 2 that look dead (maybe they ain't) but they're curled right in. The stalk looks fine though, is it shock? the rest have a bit of curling on the leaves.


Well-Known Member
sounds like you may have over-watered..especially since you said the stalks are fine. Make sure your light is high above them at first and let the pots dry out before you water. They could also be going through some transplant shock. Try some super-thrive with your next watering and have a supplement that helps with transplant shock handy next time.


Well-Known Member
Can you just shut the light off and add any weal light until the 400 is in? Mist then and bring humidity up.