Day 26 Flowering, Hairs begining to change to orange to early?


Well-Known Member
10x26 watt
2 32 watt
1 40 watt
1 45 watt
409 total watts of cfls

Temps Range from 75-85 while lights are on 65-70 with lights off
Humidity varies between 35% and 50-60% usually
Using Fox Farms Big bloom and Tiger bloom nutes (grow big during veg)
Every other watering using 1 tablespoon molasses

My plants about 26 days into flowering and seems to be doing quite well. I had a soil ph problem about a week ago but everything seems to be fine now. I removed the yellow leaves from the bottom and all the new growth has been a nice healthy green color.

Today I noticed on a few of the tops that a couple hairs were turning orange. Is this normal for it to happen this early or can this be a sign of something wrong?

Im including some pictures, I doubt you can see the orange hairs but lemme know what you think anyways.

My Light Set Up

Now the Plant



Active Member
could be early flowers mine that i done they came out of my mates scunk and didnt no what the strain was and i flowered them at 7 weeks but they cud of been cut down at 6 just put a week flush


Active Member
well.. it looks like you have a fan very close to your plants.

i think i have a problem with my fan because it's always in full power (high temps) and it seems like some of the lower buds are drying from too much air and some pistils are orange/brown but have a dry look (someone correct me if i'm wrong and this is impossible to happen). if your fan is in low rpms then it should be normal for the pistils to turn orange. how many weeks does it take for that strain to complete flowering?

and yeah.. those burnt tips may be a warning that you're overfeeding a bit.
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Well-Known Member
ya,,,,depends on the bud...some may turn slightly in the beginning of flower and some may turn late....i had a topped one thats around 5-6 week and its showing red...have about 6 more weeks on it


Well-Known Member
thx for the replies, ya they have had nute problems at first but Ive since corrected it. yes a fan does blow directly on that and ill look into moving them.


Well-Known Member
Sup all, have been away for a few days and im heading back to my house soon to go check on my plant. I havent seen her since thursday so I hope when I do she has fattened up a lot. Ill post some pics in a few hours when I get home.