day 3 of drying


Well-Known Member
is it normal when drying at 60/60, to get that hay/grassy smell around day 3 of drying?
i see alot of people saying it should stay smelling like dank the whole drying period, and it should never get that hay smell,
others say its normal and will disapear.

could it be the humidity spikes the first 2 days that creates that smell?
Yeah.... no big deal as long as your environment is steady, and no spikes in RH.It's just drying out all of the chlorophyll. It should come around after 7-10 days, and even more after you start curing... then it should start getting louder.
It's just drying out all of the chlorophyll.

We don't do bro science here at


Hay/grassy smell is GLVs (hexanols, hexanals, hexenals). All Cannabinoids and many Cannabis aromas derive from hexanoic acid. If your plant is making GLVs it is wasting energy that should be going to the ripening weed flavor and effect.

Around the 3rd day is when the stomata open up, and the plant finally accepts that it is gravely injured. GLVs are a stress response to being injured. The less you injure the plant, the less likely it is to switch from weed flavor/effect to GLV synthesis.

I prefer to leave plants rooted and slowly deplete water until they are dry. Some growers use a sponge tied to the stalk. I've noticed auto flowers do not vine ripen (dry down) like real weed. A plant that smells like hay.. That's shutting down the terpene factory and using up all the ingredients.
Thanks, any idea how i would stop that from happening considering my temp and humidity are at about 60/60 for 14 days?

The first 3 days the humidity spikes up cause of all the moisture coming out the plants and about day 3 to day 4 is when the haysmell starts.

Really dont know what to do anymore.
Tried about 7 times, and no matter what i change i keep getting that foul smell.

When you dry weed to fast, the weed is hash.
Thats not the case.
The weed is strong and has white ash.
The only problem is the haysmell still is somewhat there, you only smell the gass if you crumble or touch the buds