day 30 and day 16


Well-Known Member

Just thought I'd.let u guys see what I have do far with my autos.

LEMON O MATIC 30 days old

I gave her some nutrients 3ml grow and 1ml bloom and she seem to have enjoyed it. I'm going to give her 1 liter of water today as it's been 3 days since last feed.

WHITE WIDOW 15 days old

I have this little lady 1ml of grow yesterday and she looks to have enjoyed her next feed will be in 2 days with just plain water of 1 litre.


What u guys think of them so far.


Well-Known Member
on the baby one does it look like there is a bit missing from the leaf on bottom right corner or does it ment to look like that?.


Well-Known Member
here is a few new pictures of them the big girl has just been watered.

what do you guys think?.

Lemon O Matic Auto Flower

With and Without Flash 30 days old.


White Widow Auto Flower

With and Without Flash 15 days old.


Both Plants Together



Well-Known Member
She's been in there from when young.

Also should i keep my fans on at all times or keep them turned off.?

Po boy

Well-Known Member
keep your fans on if u can, air circulation prevents many problems, especially when they begin to flower. looking good! GL