day 37 Lowryder #2 need help its very small!!!? :(

this is one of the 3 females i had of 6. it went 50/50 on female to male ratio.

Now this plant is extremely small like 7-8 inches and i have one 2 smaller 4-5 inchs. oddly small even tho their dwarfs. ive attatched 1 pic of the biggest one looks like it might have 8 grams on it tops. and have one side of it that doesnt look to happy.

The plant is at day 37 from seed to flower. seed site says its done at day 63.

Any advice or questions



Well-Known Member
yes that thing is tiny a healthy lowryder grows to about 14 inches and a lowryder#2"what u got" grows heaps more then that! u have messed up on the feeding those plants have been abused lol


Active Member
I hate to tell ya, but 8 grams is being a bit generous there. Looks like you overfed, and unfortunately autoflowering plants don't give you a lot of time for fixing errors. Describe your feeding practice so next grow can be better. These plants are not going to grow any more now.


Well-Known Member
Hahahahahaha. That's funny.

On the bright side, I'm sure you learned a thing or two form this grow. Better luck next time.


Well-Known Member
dont mean to shoot you down like this but-yeah, they will grow more, the last 2 weeks is when they add most of the bud mass and density and the plant doesnt look that bad, his harvest date will be pushed back too though, just cuz its an auto doesnt mean it will mature and finish at an exact time, those seedbank estimates tend to be on the low side too(and thats for a plant thats not under any stress w/a good setup), stress and that stuff can make it take longer than their estimates


Well-Known Member
Totally disagree with all the above posts saying that you messed up. I have had about 4 grows of LR2 under 250Watt HPS in soil and have yet to have an 18 inch plant like I was lead to believe they would grow to. Mostof mine topped out at around 12 inches and were one big bud. Yours look good. Maybe all my grows have sucked. I was actually thinking of getting a different strain next because the yeild is too low. The smoke is always killer though. I have 2 that are about 10 days behind yours and they are about 3 inches high will show sex any day now. You will see that the budding will really accelerate soon, but don't expect 18 inch plants. Those 2 plants will give you about 1/2 ounce of dried bud that you will be proud to share with your pals.


Well-Known Member
I just chopped a male that was 24 days old and it was 3.5 inches. Yours look very healthy for Lowryder and should really start to explode with bud growth. Keep doing what you are doing and just chalk the smallness of your plant to the strain. It's not called Lowryder for nothing. Please keep posting pics so I can follow along.