Day 48 Blue Hash and Critical + Cab/Soil

[FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]Blue Hash and Critical + Cab grow soil

The one on the left is the blue hash and the one on the right is the critical +. I planted this 48 days ago in small starter pots, and was a little late transferring them to their current pots (about 3 weeks). To make matters worse, I didn't start using any nutes until last week. I started them on a grow mix of GH Flora Bloom/Micro/Gro, and this week added Flora Nectar and some subculture M. Both girls are responding well, and both are very healthy, but how long can I veg for before ruining the bloom? I'd like to get at least 24" on both plants before switching the lights, and blooming. Can I veg for another month or even 2? I see a few small pistils starting to show on the blue has around the nodes. Any recos on the lights? Currently 3 15 watt CFL's. Weak sauce I know, but worked well when I was doing hydro.

Thanks for taking a look!
So, since two weeks ago I've added two additional 5700K bulbs, and have been on a GH aggressive growth plan with the same nutes I've been using. The Blue Hash (on the left) is about 17" tall, and the Critical + on the right is slightly shorter, around 15". I've added an hour of darkness each week, now running at 16/8 light to dark. All steamed distilled H2O for watering.

My plan is to start the transition to flower in 8 days (at day 70), changing all the bulbs to 2700K, possibly adding floralicious bloom and liquid koolbloom for a better yield.

All comments welcome, please let me know what you think.



Active Member
Looking good. I would transplant those asap into some nice big pots. They look like they are ready to explode. Transplant them, soak the medium good and then let them dry out completely before feeding them again with some good Flora nova grow, do that for 1 month and they will be huge.

Keep up the awesome job they look really nice and green and perky!
Thanks Gents!

Ganjalee, also posted in the general mar. growing forum, and del66666 posted a pic of a huge plant in a 6L pot. I have the same thought as you, but don't want to shake things up to much if I don't have to. You saying though that I can veg for another 30 days and be ok?
Just started my transition on day 75. Got both plants at about 2'. Changed the light cycle to 12/12, and adding liquid koolbloom to the nute mix. Both girls are green and healthy. Here are some pics: