Day 5 of FIRST GROW, roots appear!!!


Active Member
I made a DWC system and this is day 5 now, I have a journal going in my profile, but here is a pic of the roots.

The roots are the bottom middle one, the plant that came back the fastest from almost imminent death, I think I will be cloning this one.


Active Member
Only 12"-14" it's not too hot, and that's how it cloned...:-|
please correct me if im wrong, and take the tip if im correct but the previous post bout it being leggy means its lookin a lil stretched as in its trying to hard to get light so its gettin "leggy" suggestion would be to lower the lights a lil more on it so that way it stops growing that way or give a small suplemental light to the upper left one well happy growin take it e z =)


Active Member
please correct me if im wrong, and take the tip if im correct but the previous post bout it being leggy means its lookin a lil stretched as in its trying to hard to get light so its gettin "leggy" suggestion would be to lower the lights a lil more on it so that way it stops growing that way or give a small suplemental light to the upper left one well happy growin take it e z =)
Yo livelife, thanks, I did lower already, but that's the way i got the clone, if you look in my journal I'm keeping, you'll see day 1 was the same thing, and all 6 almost died, cause my dumbass leveled the water height to low, and starved all the plants, but, 5 came back, and the one that rooted, was the fasted to come back, like in 30 mins from giving it water, it was back up, that tall one was completely laying on its side when it almost died, thanks again, but it came that way from the dome.

Thanks again everyone....:peace: