Day 8 of flowering Skywalker Kush w/ pics

Hello there, here's a few pics of my second grow.
These girls only been vegged 1 1/2 months, the tallest of the bunch is 29 inches.Shortest 18 inches . I'm currently using a 250 watt hps , using General Hydroponics, and coco as a growing medium.

Skywalker kush clones
250 WAtt Hps
Three part General hydroponics / kool bloom
Coco for growing medium
Thats it very simple, I just keep p.h at about 6.0 and they look fantastic !

Pictures are in the first week of flowering. The plants have taken off since I flipped the switch to 12/12 It seems like everyday they grow in size I hope they stay that way all the way through. If anyone has any input or suggestions please feel free to reply.