DEA already saying they will not respect the Colorado and Washington Vote

And they talk shit about Hells angels, crips bloods etc. The DEA is the biggest most ruthless gang there is. And we're paying for them to fuck us over.
The ending of the article was dumb about Gov. Christine Gregoire. This is the same chick--along with Lincoln Chafee--that petitioned to have cannabis reclassified.

It's probably incomplete and the web page title says, "DEA says Fuck you to Marijuana".


How about this...

The DEA came out and said exactly what we would expect the DEA to come out and say...along with a cowardly punt towards congress. It's ignorant.

Circling back towards Governor Gregoire, in trying to change the criminalization of cannabis, she didn't petition congress to do something...she petitioned the DEA.
The underlining problem.......

Under the Controlled Substances Act,
any interested party is allowed to petition to add,
delete or change the schedule of a drug or other substance.
When a petition is received by the DEA,
the agency begins its own investigation of the drug.

Last I checked the DEA wasn't busting patients and partiers. Busting US cartels and arch villains with silencers? That gets a thumbs up from me.

There is something else going on with whom gets targeted. It has to be some weapons violation, revenue threshold, known criminal ties, money laundering...some or all of the above. I don't know, maybe I am wrong.

I can't imagine what Green Cross did.