dead , dead and crossing fingers - seedlings


ok so i germed 2 seeds in paper towel , one poped up all happy and 3 days the other did a inverted u for a few days and i bumped it with the humidity lid and turned it into a stick sitting next to a pair of pre-leaves in the ground with a stick on them ( i.e. i cut the inverted u ) .. The other one with the preleaves had the tinest real leaves starting , then the pre leaves tips turned brown , and the thing shriveled up and died. soo i have germed 2 more

bothe times i soaked the rockwool cube in ph 5-6 ( color on test was hard to say , not as red as 5 , not as green as 6 ) for 24 hours ... one cube with plain water , the second with 1/2 strength root 66 & sugar daddy ( technaflora's rooting mix )

2 weeks for the plain water and nothing breaking the surface , so i'm not holding hope for that guy - it's only been 3 days for the other guy so i'm hoping.

on a seed starting heating pad and under a humidity lid and they are under a 125W CFL 6500k about 6 inches high - i've been waiting till the cubes are slightly damp but getting light and airy before putting any water on them , and when i do it's a few drops on top and then moving the cube into a dent on the tray that i put water in ( about a teaspoon worth )

here is the kicker , i have been also trying to grow a few hot peppers ( same conditions needed , cheaper seeds ) and about 3 have had the same issues where they poped up , then died .. 1 seems to be doing better , and thats on a peatmoss starter cube , not rockwool ..

so should i forget about useing rockwool and stick with the peat ... it will be messy when i put it in my drip system ( i'm trying to avoid cloging up the thing ) but if thats what it takes

anyone have any suggestions? should i forget the rockwool and go with something else ( coco ? sure to grow? ) .. should i adjust the ph ( hard to measure when in a cube ) .. should i water more , less ?

any thing would be appreciated.