Dead Roots?

Toro 58

Hi All, quick question for you:

Growing in a AG a LaBlanca (supposed) auto, and a Himalayan Blue Diesel. The HBD is a standard 10 week autoflower while the La Blanca is a different type of auto, roughly a 15 week plant. The HBD finished just as the LB went into full flower. My question is when I harvest the HBD, will the remaining roots in the resevoir die and decompose and adversely effect the remaining plant?

I actually harvested the HBD 2 weeks ago, left the bottom nodes on that plant just so the roots wouldn't die in the tank, at about that time, the remaining plant showed signs of N deficiency and/or high Ph. I just removed the HDB plant fully, tried to remove the remaining roots, but there are plenty left in there. Should I be concerned?
