Deadline looming for landlords wanting to ban smoking cannabis on their properties


Well-Known Member
Lawyer Jamie Benizri explains how process works, what landlords allowed to do, how tenants can contest changes
CBC News · Posted: Jan 03, 2019 7:00 AM ET | Last Updated: January 3

Montreal lawyer Jamie Benizri explains what landlords can and can't change in a lease. (CBC)
The deadline is quickly approaching for landlords who want to restrict cannabis smoking on their properties — by Jan. 15 tenants need to be advised that their lease is changing to include a ban.

Once tenants receive notice of the proposed change to their lease, they have 30 days to contest it to the Régie du logement.

Kevin Lebeau, spokesperson for the Quebec Landlords Association, said there are many reasons a landlord might not want their tenants smoking pot.

For one, they want to make sure their dwelling isn't seeped in cannabis smoke, he said.

"Second of all, it can also constitute a nuisance for other tenants," Lebeau said.

Montreal lawyer Jamie Benizri explains how the process works, what landlords can and can't change, and how tenants can contest changes to their lease.

How does the process work?
Once a tenant receives the notice of a lease modification from their landlord, they can contest that change.

That means going to court in front of the rental board to explain why they want to contest the modification.

"You have 30 days to respond, and if you don't, you're deemed to accept the modification and you have to live in a smoke-free environment," Benizri said.

He said the landlord needs a proof of receipt, by signing with Canada Post for example, before the 30 day countdown can begin.

Tenants can technically only give medical reasons for contesting residential cannabis smoking restrictions, but Benizri said that since cannabis is now legal, recreational users are entitled to have their day in court.

"What we're going to see is whether or not judges are going to accept the restriction for recreational use," he said.

Ultimately, Benizri said, the judge has to decide whether smoking cannabis is a nuisance to anyone else in the community, apartment building or condo block.

"If the answer is no, the judge has no reason to restrict someone's legal use of marijuana," he said.

What about other cannabis products?
Changes to the lease must be related to smoking cannabis, Benizri said, not consuming cannabis in general.

Benizri said that it's possible for a person to consume cannabis-based products, such as THC oil, without causing a nuisance to their neighbours.

"There can be consumption without necessarily causing any kind of disturbances to the community," he said.

"Are we going to want to control all of these applications in a residential lease?" he said.

He added that the legislation exists primarily to keep a smoke-free environment.

What are landlords doing to address the issue?
Benizri said tenants he's encountered who smoke cannabis in their buildings just want to know they won't get arrested or evicted.

Some landlords, he said, have been proactive by creating common areas in the building dedicated to smoking

"What I'm seeing now is tenants saying, 'Am I allowed to smoke in my private area? Can I smoke on the rooftop?'" Benizri said.

Can tenants smoke in their apartment while they wait for court date?
Benizri said that it could take up to three months to go to court over the issue. During that period, a person can still smoke in the areas where they would normally.

"You don't have to initially, immediately conform to the modifications until a judge has ruled that the modifications have have changed and this is exactly how they're going to change," he said.
fuckem all
I had to put up with the Wrench of
Dirty Diapers.
Bad Body order.
Bad Breath
Stinkin Fish.


get over it fuck wits. Its not 24/7 365 and if it is..ASK THEM NICELY to try and work something out.
fuckem all
I had to put up with the Wrench of
Dirty Diapers.
Bad Body order.
Bad Breath
Stinkin Fish.


get over it fuck wits. Its not 24/7 365 and if it is..ASK THEM NICELY to try and work something out.
At least cannabis smells nice
My building has been handing out notices. It's more of a nuisance because if we get one I'll have to take it to court, which means a day off work. Never had a problem the last year and a bit here.. Just gonna keep doing what I'm doing.
Do what you do. I’m a new landlord well 4 months on my own property and 3yrs experience in a 76 unit loft building. Zero power for landlord. Can’t prove shit. Only thing you need to worry about is paying rent. Couple examples, had a lady with 6 dogs in a 2bedroom bite the shit out of a young woman ospca couldn’t do nothing, ltb couldn’t do anything. No tags no shots. Police and ospca said when breaks skin dog needs to be put down. Have had tenants change tumblers in the locks so we can’t do inspections even fire suppression companies to do fire and carbon monoxide testing. Had a disabled woman go missing couldn’t even enter her unit, actually had to put a notice on the door. People smoking cigarettes, “no I wasn’t” people caught on camera shoving knifes and paper clips in laundry machines, nothing. People jamming open maintenance doors to hook up free cable, nothing. Smoke your weed my friend nobody will harm you.
Do what you do. I’m a new landlord well 4 months on my own property and 3yrs experience in a 76 unit loft building. Zero power for landlord. Can’t prove shit. Only thing you need to worry about is paying rent. Couple examples, had a lady with 6 dogs in a 2bedroom bite the shit out of a young woman ospca couldn’t do nothing, ltb couldn’t do anything. No tags no shots. Police and ospca said when breaks skin dog needs to be put down. Have had tenants change tumblers in the locks so we can’t do inspections even fire suppression companies to do fire and carbon monoxide testing. Had a disabled woman go missing couldn’t even enter her unit, actually had to put a notice on the door. People smoking cigarettes, “no I wasn’t” people caught on camera shoving knifes and paper clips in laundry machines, nothing. People jamming open maintenance doors to hook up free cable, nothing. Smoke your weed my friend nobody will harm you.

The sad reality but the truth is a lot of landlords abuse their powers. I've got my small 2x4 going and smoke cannabis but spoof as I understand nobody wants to smell what's in my apartment. Cigarettes go outdoors, always. I've never changed a lock or done any modifications to the property in any way apart from hanging pictures and stuff like that.

Sadly here, they hand you a notice first and deal with it in court. We're with one of the "big" rental companies so they have a lot of resources for legal issues, where we don't.

All in all there's no damage to the property and I know what I'm doing in regards to legality. I'll face the legal consequences if it ever goes that route. Luckily we're buying a house in June so my worries will be behind me shortly.
As a matter of fact I've been doing the maintenance for my apartment for the last few months. Replaced the sink, tub faucet, rails on the sliding doors for our closet, painted a room.

Maintenace had been pretty backed up and their work was sub-par to say the least. I ended up asking if we could do the work ourselves rather than wait weeks to months and they reimbursed us for it. They just needed a guy to come in for 2 minutes and check it over a couple weeks later.

I've got a pretty good relationship with my building manager, I'm sure they know what I'm about.
As a matter of fact I've been doing the maintenance for my apartment for the last few months. Replaced the sink, tub faucet, rails on the sliding doors for our closet, painted a room.

Maintenace had been pretty backed up and their work was sub-par to say the least. I ended up asking if we could do the work ourselves rather than wait weeks to months and they reimbursed us for it. They just needed a guy to come in for 2 minutes and check it over a couple weeks later.

I've got a pretty good relationship with my building manager, I'm sure they know what I'm about.
Don’t stress it my man. Do what you need to do. If you can get a script it will give you piece of mind.
Apartment living would drive me nuts. Too many neighbors, too many rules. Luckily my landlord is also my employer (a non-profit society) so nobody cares what I do in the house or on the property.
As I've said before, I have the best suite in landlord made an exception in my lease for cannabis...I don't smoke or vape inside, and I'm really hoping for four this