Deal or No Deal


Active Member
Here is th situation. I am on probation for possession of marijuana, was sceduled for release April 9th and within the last month have failed 2 UA's for marijuana. No problems what so ever before that. Go into the office today and informed I have failed these test which were taken at a drug class I was attending as part of probation , I hadn't been seeing a PO. She goes onto say that they are offering me an extension of my probation for another year with a few stipulations, 18 weeks of a drug offenders class (NA type shit) 3 nights a week which I would have to pay for and a curfew . This seems a little outragous to me but was interested in what others think. Take the Deal or Take my chances with the judge wen they file an MTR? Contacted an attorney and they want 1500$ to take the case. Of course he said he could open alot of doors for me but 1500 bux to me is alot of money. But my freedom is well worth it. Any Opinions welcome.


Well-Known Member
depends on what you were on probation for and for how long, if the reason your on probation is that you got busted with a sack or something along those lines, depending on how far between those two tests just tell them that you have stopped and the dirty UA's are because your body hasn't cleaned them out yet. but you have to stop tokin immediatly and get your levels down so when they retest you they will see that your comming off of it. and see if they will buy that.