Death of A Sprout


Well-Known Member
OK Here we go!

Check 1
Notice sprout poking through soil begin 18/6 light cycle, soil dry add water(6 oz).

Check 2
Sprout has 2 Round healthy green sprout leaves

Check 3
Sprout begins to have 1st 2 ridgy leaves soil slightly dry add 4 oz water (only)

Check 4
First ridge leaves formed and growing second set begins

Check 5
First ridge leaves begin to lose their green color in spots in the center of the leaf (a spot like a chlorine drip on a black cloth) the stem is white at the top and brownish at the bottom. Second ridge leaves begin to curl under like a rams horn and turn brown.

Check 6
Death! Wahhhhhhhhhh


chorine, ya think? did you let it evap like i said man? i dont think i psoted that 24 hours ago :P


Well-Known Member
Unless you are using a tiny container, overwatering is my hunch!
Do you have a moisture meter?....just because the surface appears dry doesn't mean the little plants need water!


edit....just read other thread.....chlorine could be issue... definitely adjust your water first

I start seedlings in 16oz cups....I don't water at all for several days after they develop first leaves... (indoors or out)


I'm not sure, if its used in a pool that humans go in, i think it could be ok, but i'm not sure. general hydroponics ph up and down are ok, and so are earth juice, but that's all i can vouch for.


I would say you got some bad luck man, never give up, never surrender, do or do not, there is no try.

Let that water sit out. Don't assassinate your seeds, and we'll see how it goes next time


Well-Known Member
OK that lifted my spirits that assasinate the seeds was hysterical. Thanks. I got to get more seeds now got to smoke some more.

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Well-Known Member
I really doubt that your dealing with a chlorine problem, unless your putting chlorine in your water. If you think this is the problem, then let your water stand for 24 hours. It only take 24 hours or less for chlorine to evaporate from water.

This is what I think may be taking place.

1. To cold of environment and or roots getting to cold. Are you checking temp of the water before watering? And are you checking the other temps.?

2. No metion of fan blowing lightly across the sprouts to help make a strong stalk. Nor, no metion of fresh air OR humid air. Sprouts love humidity.

3. No mention of type of light and or if it's getting to hot or not close enough to plant.

4. No mention of nutes being used. Shouldn't be using nutes this early any way.

5. Could be over watering. Could be!

Just my thoughts!

Good Luck & Peace Out!


Well-Known Member

Light Box in DIY
Soil Temp 70-78 deg F
Ambient Grow Room Temp about the same
Water temp "Room Temp" kept on bottom shelf in room ChL levels after sitting for 24 hrs Not detectable H2o PH 6.5.
Distance from tops 2" Max cant get any lower due to Pot Rims
Soil (no nutes potting soil) Gardeners (Kelloggs) Brand No N-P-K ratings


Unknown G_Room Humidity levels (Dry is MY Guess) Could BE THIS
Unknown G-Room temp during dark cycle
Several white bugs have gathered but not "The Cloud" that is usually aquainted with them. (saw something on how to treat them somewhre will find again)

Leaves do not look transparent just discolored from yellow to white in spots.


Well-Known Member
Several white bugs have gathered but not "The Cloud" that is usually aquainted with them. (saw something on how to treat them somewhre will find again

maybe there is a culprit after all. hmmmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
3 or 4 KILL a sprout? The flying kind

OH and I am starting to sound like a damn chemist. I just wanted 1 PLant (OK 4 but never more)


Well-Known Member
Soil = Gardeners Potting Soil (Kellogg’s)
Contains Pearlite for drainage
Nutrients: None Added
Temperature: Min (unknown) Max (78deg F)

Water = Tap
Ph: 6.5
Cl: None
Temp: grow room temp

Air = Local, Temp: 78 under lights drops to 71 ambient in grow room, Humidity (UNknown)

Lights = 4x 26 Watt (Real watts) Cfl’s sideways above the grow area


Lamp type = Compact Fluorescent - Self-Ballasted Bulb T3

Base = Medium Screw (E26)
ENERGY STAR® Qualified = Yes
Wattage = 26
Rated Life = 8000 hrs
Starting Temperature (MIN) = -15 °C (5 °F)
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) = 120 %
Primary Application = Standard; Facilities; Retail Display; Hospitality; Office; Restaurant

Initial Lumens = 1650
Mean Lumens = 1325
Nominal Initial Lumens per Watt = 63
Color Temperature = 2700 K
Color Rendering Index (CRI) = 82

Input Voltage = 120 V
Input Current = 0.3900 A
Power Factor = 0.6

Exhaust = Hood (designed to draw air from the soil surface up through the spiral lighting design through the aluminum reflectors and out into the room (drawing heat away from the grow to the rest of the room) with 4 small CPU fans all mounted opposite the ceramic base (see light box in DIY)

Dimensions = ROOM 4 x 4 x 10 closet, SHELF 2’ X 6” in corner of closet, POT 8” Plastic with Drain pan attached

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Well-Known Member
White bugs? Nats? Fruit flies? With wings?

Nats and fruit flies lay their eggs under the soil and after they hatch they feed on the young and tender roots of plants. Sounds like this might be your problem.

Before planting any more seeds/seedlings ether use some kind of nat be gone (can't think of the name of the stuff right now) on your soil or take a pot of your soil and place in a pre heated oven (180 degrees f ) for 30 mins. this will kill any eggs/nats that may be in your soil. Also clean and sterilize your grow area, as well as make sure there are no excessive amounts of water laying around. And keep all fruit as far way, all though nats and fruit flies will seek out your plants because of moisture content.

These are just rambling thoughts of and old hippie! There is always a pot of gold on the other side of the rainbow, so never give up!

Good luck and Peace out!


Plant directly in a 3 foot high pot to be sure that root could maximumly expand !!! Also poke holes for good drainage.
Just keep your plant temperture inbeetween 70c - 85c will do.
Use cfl's at least 4 ( 4x 23w) on 18 hours a day. And 12 hours a day for flowering stage.
Try to buy some perlite to mix in some PROMIX soil or any good quality soil to oxygenize the soil ( for healthy roots ).
Allways have a mini fan and a window open near by for good air circulation.Seedling tend to grow stonger when they move.
I water when its dry and olny bottled watter or water that sat in the room for at least 24h.(let the clorhine evaporate)


Active Member
6 year old thread... But my first thought would be too much fertilizer in the soil and it goes into nutrient lock out right away.

Try - flushing the soil then adding a seed