Decent preflower pic


Well-Known Member
Out of 5 plants, two look female, two look like the top pic, and one hasn't shown any indication that I can find. The plants are responding well to the HPS :)


Well-Known Member
Too soon to tell mine are day 3 on 12/12 now. I see pre-flowers on the clones. I'm blooming my LST'd L.A. Woman with the clones it already had pre flowers from being vegged for so long. I already know all mine are female though. Give it a week or 2 and you will know. If you have males.. I usually put a garbage bag over each one cover entire plant, cut it down and get it out of there.

Looking good there. Keep up the green work.


Well-Known Member
The first 1 honestly looked like a female to me, idk why... My males started with really round little balls, those are like ovalish things :P.


Well-Known Member
GMZ, I hope you are right.

Doc, thanks for the advice. I'll let them soak up light for another few days.