Deciding when to flip to flower

These are my girls this morning. Based on everything I have read I shouldn’t expect them to stretch more than about 30% considering they are primarily indica. I’m thinking I will flip to flower in about a week. I wanted the canopy to fill up about 75% of the tent before flipping which would be 25 trellis squares per plant. The big one up front is already there, but the other ones need more time. Anyone think I’m thinking about this wrong?? Something else to consider?



Well-Known Member
These are my girls this morning. Based on everything I have read I shouldn’t expect them to stretch more than about 30% considering they are primarily indica. I’m thinking I will flip to flower in about a week. I wanted the canopy to fill up about 75% of the tent before flipping which would be 25 trellis squares per plant. The big one up front is already there, but the other ones need more time. Anyone think I’m thinking about this wrong?? Something else to consider?
I would need to know what sort of height you're working with, tent height, distance from lights, ect to feel comfortable advising but if you expect minimal stretch it might be better to wait a little and watch them. If they really aren't going to stretch much and you have room, may as well not waste space.