Deficiency? Bugs? Lockout?


Hi there!

I have a a few plants with what appears to be a nutrient issue, but also seems like a bug issue.

The tops of the plants look fine, the canopy is quite lush, but as you go deeper there are pieces of leaf with holes in them (without necrosis, so it HAS to be a bug), but then there are all manner of different patterns of yellow or brown necrotic areas, which isn't very indicative of insects (or so I thought).

One plant out of the bunch, however, is untouched. No holes or spots at all.

The first picture is of the canopy as a whole, which looks perfectly fine.

There are a few isolated areas where there are raised bumps along with a bit of necrosis (second pic), but there isn't much of it. The third pic has a symptom where there are very skinny, oval brown spots that are placed fairly irregularly on the leaf.

I suppose I'm confused because there are a million things happening at once, often on the same plant, but I have done nothing differently than I normally would do. I suppose the only thing that is different is that I fed them azatrol systemically to help with the fungus gnats (and because I was wondering what else was eating the plants). However, I have done this before on difrerent strains with not so much as a hiccup.

Maybe what they are experiencing is a bug eating them, and then a deficiency or lockout on top of it? I find diagnoses to be troublesome.

Edit: for what it's worth I'm using an organic line (nector for the gods) and have ph'd every time except once in their early life (oops) to 6-6.4



Well-Known Member
Possible russet or broad mite. Microscopic critters. Not sure what took the big chomps.