Deformed plant


Active Member
Hey all,I'm about 3 and a half weeks into my grow one of my plants leaves started to curl 1week into the grow now it looks like this.
They have started to flower you think it will grow okay?a part from the leaves it looks healthy.
12122009427.jpgSame strain planted the same time

Royal queen seeds - Royal dwarf
Bio bizz all mix
300w cfl

Any help would be great thanks


Well-Known Member
if i ever get deformed leaves ill throw in some cal mag and that help new leaves from being deformed.


Active Member
Thanks for the replys,The middle part(Im sure it has a name) looks like it has split in to 2 parts if you know what i mean.I might be wrong,Ive never has this problem before so i'm not really sure whats going on.Thanks again for the replys