dehumidfier takes smell away1!!??~!?


someone just told me a DE-humidfier takes smell away from the bud is this true, my friend bases these accusations on his prior experience with his DE-humidifier. MY questions is, are there any scientific proof that would back his statements.


Well-Known Member
Some de humidifiers have a small carbon filter built in and will take the smell away as long as its not a massive grow. Be careful using these things though. If you pull alot of moisture out the air, it fucks up the plants, its as if it pull moisture from the leafs


Well-Known Member
de-humidifiers remove water from air. cannaboids are not water 20 years of personal experience.


Well-Known Member
mine does to. still smells. not all air travels thru de-humidifier, as opposed to a closed-circuit carbon filter.


Well-Known Member
Your carbon filter does NOT detract from overall cannabis smell or potency. Maybe for a brief time with the odor. Not permanently. Carbon filter or not, the plant will continue to emit smells no matter how good the air system works. The strain your friend grew with his dehumidifier probably had a very soft/light flower. Many people will place blame for potential short comings by blaming a shit piece of equipment.


Active Member
If u fast dry it with a dehumidifier it will be of less quality all the way around including smell, not nessasarly cuz the machine took the smell but because it wasn't aloud to chemically develope properly some things take time no way about it.