Dehumidifier in 4x4 and temps


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, have a 4x4 in the basement, its cool down there, 60-68F winter through summer. Need a dehumidifier soon. Run a small space heater on temp control and keeps my temps tight. Don't want to exhaust into the basement because the room would probably get to cold. Also have 330 watts of QBs going. Would a 30 pint dehumidifier get the room too warm? My space heater seems to run about half the day if that helps. Thanks for any help!


Well-Known Member
Warming the air will drop the RH% some. Since you are using LED lighting you will actually benefit from having the extra heat. You should be ok.


Well-Known Member
Thank you! I'll set it up. Worse thing would be a small exhaust fan behind the dehumidifier. I'd set it to run a couple degrees above my heater control until I trust it won't get to hot.