dehydrated plant


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I left my plant unattended for too long and the bottom leaves dried up and withered I quickly hydrated it and they started to bounce up a little but then dried up again. they are dead now I am worried about the new growth it looks like it is starting to curl up now, when it looked fine a little while ago. what should I do? Should I cut the fan leaves off that are dead and just hope that it pulls through?


Well-Known Member
any pics,
if your plant is dieing now then i wouldnt bother, what if it was in 7 week 12/12. it would be a rite waste of time.
but the plant mite come back, just dont over water it.
what lite sced are you on.


Well-Known Member
It is in its 4th week from seed on a 24 hour flourescent. I am switching to 2 150 watt HPS during flowering for 3 plants> just to let you know they look like they are going to pull through The two bottom sets of leaves withered up and died but the new growth is growing fine now so its good. I am going to cut off the dead growth. I will throw up some pics in a week or two. By the way I am growing BIG Bang