Deja Vu: Remebering Your First Toke

How old were you, where were you and who were you with when you had your first Toke?

I remember it like yesterday! I was 15. And it was a hot muggy July. I was outside with my friend just walking around his neighborhood. Next thing you know we come up a group of 5 kids sitting in a circle on a hill passing around a Pipe. Well I didn't know these kids but my friend did and next thing you know they invited me to sit in a circle with them and they passed the pipe to me and I took my first hit.
I can still remember the sweet aroma of that smoke hitting my lips and passing through my lungs. From that day on I was hooked.


Active Member
The year was 1970...I was 12 years old.I was invited by several friends to smoke a joint in a nearby park.When we got there a guy produced a skraggly little joint and lit it. I was about the 5th or 6th person to get a toke.I coughed so bad I dropped the roach in a mud puddle. I didn't get high.Neither did the people waiting their turn after me.Great story huh?